hedge funds now run day to day market moves

  1. 2,047 Posts.
    on cnbc the other night. it is now a known fact that hedge funds run the day to day direction of the markets. they now have so much money. that scares the pants of me and i know many others. many of these hedge funds are pure cowboys that have conned old pensioners to give them there hard earned money. poor old duffers who will unfortunately in the end lose all of it.
    our market just turned negative because overseas futures have tanked on japanese nuclear reactor fears. but the japanese stock market hasnt moved down at all on the news. its still way up. you would think the japanese would know if there really was a problem. there stock market is saying there is no real problem. yet overseas futures and our market tanks off highs.
    etfs now a major problem. here are a few things ive gleaned from the news of recent weeks.
    etfs have caused the recent rally in the american stock market. automatic computer programs trading etfs have been triggered every time the american markets tried to go down.
    etfs have caused the chinese food price inflation of recent times. trillions of yuan have been put into food commodity etfs which have caused the food prices in china to rise.
    the markets have learnt nothing from the gfc. greed runs the show and i have no doubt criminal collusion, albeit if only abstract and simplistic in nature. you dont believe that some of these cowboy hedge funds that now run the show are sometimes colluding with one another? of course they are.
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