Oh well, that’s 2 suspensions now, all in the cause of positive...

  1. 338 Posts.
    Oh well, that’s 2 suspensions now, all in the cause of positive sentiment and challenging the loony few..
    Its long im afraid, but probably my last one….

    Truth being told, getting rather bored with HC now, Usual suspects posting the usual vein slitting negative tat, scooped up curtesy of a 95% global bear driven propaganda media- ZZZZZZ .Tell us all something new ! Go on the usual suspects, try a little harder and see if you can come up with some positive spin ... on anything…. Its there if you want to see it, but you don’t, as you are magnetically drawn to sensationalist, alarmist and depressing glory seeking headlines…and then of course you think that everyone else wants to share it with you. It is people like you who are the very pawns in the grand scheme of things in this global downturn , media lemmings who Murdoch et al knows has you hooked and gaffed and ready to jump en mass of that cliff.. You are just sheep junkies taking in your prescribed daily fix of constant doom, gloom and depression… baaaaaa...

    Hats of and respect to the few very knowledgeable, precise, polite, articulate and fair posters (Bears and bulls) who do the research, are prepared to listen to both sides of the story and base reasoning on both sides… You all know who you are...

    LT portfolio, well after a recent battering, its back on track and after a magnificent 3 days its 7% back into the green. So to the certain few on here who mutter crazed consternation of virtues of LT investment and accused me of being mentally deranged- Heres the bird to you ! -Did you see it ??
    Where will you be in 2-3 years time with your investment strategies?
    Of course still on HC ,posting drivel, moaning and shorting stocks! ( Oh forgot, you don’t have an investment strategy, you only have a short selling one)

    Value of portfolio back in the green on a bourse 3300 index.. Hmmm must have bought some good stocks then !! ( Well unlike the average investor, I actually know that Worley Parsons has as much to do with mining and the downturn of mining as Dame Edna Everage has on planning to have a hysterectomy!, its all about Oil ! Mining is only a miniscule part of what they do, Its all Oil and Gas and that is only going to go one way in the medium to long term) No crazies that is not to $ 10 per barrel as you so enjoy predicting…
    Interim Divi`s coming my way in March / April approaching $ 40,000.. Mainly curtesy of WOR, LEI, MAH, MIN, still with ORI and IPL to come a few months later. All this and the bottom of the market either here or just a nudge away.. Its really not such a bad place to be!
    I have some very good stocks all bought at times of utter market despair and capitulation! I did nothing to cause people to sell these stocks to me at these crazy prices , I never baited anyone to sell. I also have never shorted a stock its against my philosophy and strategy.
    WOR average at $ 11, FMG average $ 1.60, IPL average at $ 1.79, MAH average at $ 0.32, LEI average @ $17.70, PDN average @ $2.15, and some not so great BLY average @ 0.14, OZL average 0.75, SDM average 0.65, ORI average $ 13.50 - not really to bad even for the worst… I lost a bit on RIO when I sold out, but not much...

    95% of my initial buys are all sitting well on top of their average buy price and they will continue to sit until this market turns around. 6 months, 1 year, 2 years.. Whatever….. They will be there and waiting their day for a 4500 - 5000 index. that’s not being to greedy I think… just playing a bit with some buys and sells but not much… Oh come on Brisvegamite, its not that hard!

    Final Divis in October based on current projections even with lower returns than last years priced in, Should be over $ 65k all in all bringing a yearly return of around $ 105k PA or approx 8 % on my investments ( and that is with only 70 % of my portfolio paying Dividends, so if the whole portfolio were dividend paying it would be nearer 11%) . Of course when you add in the fact that all stocks have all been purchased at the lowest prices seen in 5+ years and some 2,3 4,5 even 10 times lower than this time last year, and on top of that with some now 15% - 30% up on prices a few months ago, I assure you I have no trouble sleeping at night. Now then any wise men/women on HC want to advise which bank or bond, ponzi scheme etc I need to put my money in to better this?, Or exactly where my overall investment mistakes were made, Im open to all suggestions.

    Investing LT at the height of the bull market, or even midway into it, , yes maybe some eye brow raising there, and if I had done that and I were still holding well, I would admit to being very depressed and desperate! BUT investing in quality oversold blue chip resource, infrastructure, energy, fertiliser stocks at the bottom of a recession and the worst bear market in 50 years with a 2-3 year time frame - I don’t think so. No one can call the exact bottom, but I reckon I am within 10 -15% of it and that's good enough for this investor!, 10-15% risk of down side compared to 100-300% possible upside in 2- 3 years time, sure sounds like a half decent game plan to me. ..….
    It sounds like a lot of burnt and bitter posters on here all now rallying to the bear, depression, anarchy, shorting corner….So to the few (you know who you are) who seem to enjoy posting and commenting whilst I was suspended that my mood on the shares clock diagram must be between depressed, denial and total capitulation - Dream on Suckers ha ha, Im pretty well, pretty happy, in the green and still accumulating ! :-)) does this mean we are nowhere near the bottom, or does it mean I am made of slightly different stuff to your average investor - Well who knows eh!

    Now then before I get the smug, conceited, bragging bit, Im not, This goes for anyone who has bought or buys the right stocks at this time, no matter the amount or value.. Any one buying now may not see the majority of prices I have bought my stocks at, that is clear, I had the courage and forward thinking to buy big for the last 3 months when everyone else was foreboding the end of the world and telling me I should be certified mad! It may still all backfire, but I some how do not think so...
    However theres still plenty of oversold bargains out there, Im still accumulating and probably will be all the way up to 3600,.if it goes down again, I will be there to mop up.. Coming to the end of my rainbow now in available funds so probably will have to jiggle a bit, but I will be buying.. Probably take a Margin loan and get some decent leverage going for the upside of this U Recession.

    My view is this, Someone's $5k or $10k portfolio is just as important as the next mans or funds millions, To many $5 k ,or $10 k invested in the market is all they are prepared to do, or all they can afford, however whatever the value its done for one reason.. We all want to see it grow and accumulate, whilst investing in the things we know are good for our country and its economy, which in turn will be good for all of us and our future generations in the long run.. Is continuously shorting the hell out of stock, talking everything down and spreading words of Flame and Anarchy really that important for a small gain, when the same or far bigger gains can be made for betterment and investment?
    The reality of this is, the worst is over or damn as near it, the world and the economies are in pretty pretty bad shape, but already the unprecedented actions taken and being taken in all quarters of the globe will ensure the worst is either here right now, just ahead, or it has shortly passed. Do the people that post all this great depression part 2 crap honestly think that the measures being taken mean for nothing at all.. Its like, nope we are going to have a another great depression and nothing what so ever will stop it! Really, I see no 500 m long que for bread and fatty mutton, or people turfing them selves of every bridge and building in total despair.. Do you…? Pubs are full, restaurants are full, trains are packed, just as many cars on the free way

    Everyone's got their own special opinion and rightly can say what they like, this is the joy of freedom of speech and a free society..However HC is NOT a typical proportional view of the future and where we are heading, if it where then, we would all be heading for the hills and bunkers with our families with 10 years of rations, supplies and a big gun.!.

    Yep, we are going to be in a state of apprehension and nervousness probably for the next-6 months, yep there's gonna be high unemployment for a time, yep there may be some more bad news to hit us, yep markets may drop even more, but just wait until the positive news ebbs out ( and It will come and it wont take much, such as the last few days) .The markets will consistently edge higher from end Q2, middle of Q3 this year. That there is little doubt…A new bull will be in place somewhere in the time span Q3 09 - Q2 10. The world will have a lot of catching up to do when it suddenly decides to come out of Hibernation and expand and grow again, just like it has done through out history., …and remember this will be 2010 not 1910! Like comparing A Ferrari 430 Modena to a Holden commodore! One of those, whilst well made and functions well, has less quality and technology in the whole car than the other has in its wing mirror, let us see if reality can distinguish which one.

    So to the likes of Crankie Frankie 2009, Chocolate wombat, Cholera and all the others who do nothing but post the bleakest things they can get hold of, I say this... The only great depression you lot will see in total assuredness is the one in front of the mirror when you shave every morning.( unless you are of the female persuasion of course which you may well be, and even then you may like a scrape in the morning!) Enjoy this special time in the market, ( as I stated, but was somewhat lost on that person who quite obviously does not comprehend sarcasm and Irony, this is YOUR personal bull market) as you will never find it so easy to try and make a little bit of money shorting by spreading panic, negativity and hope for capitulation of holders of good stocks in good companies, caught up in a crazy and unforeseen time.
    Some of your posts are of course totally biased to your 100% shorting strategy, they also however border nothing short of the delusional rantings of an incarcerated schizophrenic who has not seen daylight for 10 years! Oh and that’s only IMO of course.

    One more suspension from the Ubber bear biased mods on here with out written profanity, direct slander which apportion ably is no worse than any others who are not being moderated, and that’s it, game over and goodnight Vienna for me ( which actually may not be a bad thing as I am really really am getting rather bored now, how did I get confused with HC being a stock market forum for the majority of investors who actually want to see stocks and index's go up! ) …. I have noted some posts by the crazies recently who flame and bait anyone posting the lightest shred of positiveness and betterment or challenging their delusional one sided Anarchic posts and nothing is done to their posts….. Kettle, black comes to mind and consistency, there seems to be a lack of that of that at times in the moderation of posts...
    I realise and admit that I have crossed the line in some of my posts, it does become emotive, but I feel no more so than certain people who are doing nothing but spreading the negative spin and who all seem to be flaming and baiting..I am obviously on the Mods watch list, as public enemy ha ha..

    Any ways.
    Heres to all that see or hope for some better times ahead, not only for the market, but for all hard working families and companies caught up in the mess of all this... It will come, there is nothing surer, history is not being rewritten. Global economies will bounce out of this, You really got to want to see it and change with it when it suddenly comes, or be lost in the blackness of your mood. No rose coloured glasses here, the world is currently up Poop creek without a paddle ATM, its just finding a way to navigate it all now and it could be working..
    Better times ahead late 09- 10 ? As given as a given will be !
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