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    Earlier access to preserved benefits may be available if you can clearly demonstrate severe financial hardship or compassionate grounds

    To access or withdraw your superannuation benefit you need to call your super fund

    Your superfund should send you a quote of the benefit amount, and an application form to claim your benefit.
    The application form needs to be completed and returned along with any documents requested.

    Severe financial hardship

    To be considered eligible for early release of your benefit on severe financial hardship grounds, you must first satisfy the following criteria.

    If you are under age 55 and 39 weeks, you need to be:

    in receipt of Commonwealth income support, and have been so for a continuous period of a least 26 weeks
    (you will need to show us a letter from Centrelink confirming this), and
    unable to meet reasonable and immediate family living expenses.
    If you are aged over 55 years and 39 weeks you need to meet the above criteria or be:

    in receipt of Commonwealth income support payments for a cumulative period of at least 39 weeks after reaching your preservation age, and
    not gainfully employed, either full-time or part-time, at the time of application.
    Decisions on the release of benefits on severe financial hardship grounds are usually made by AustralianSuper where the eligibility criteria is met.

    You can download an Application for payment of benefit - Financial hardship here .

    You may be required to provide proof for claims on compassionate grounds or financial hardship.

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