"To be fair Henry wants negative gearing addressed as well...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 350
    "To be fair Henry wants negative gearing addressed as well though.."

    No, he does not want to touch it with a barge pole. It is a case of once bitten, twice shy.

    "So far the Henry review hasn't even mentioned negative gearing, save for one unavoidable, bland reference after being swamped by well-argued submissions. If a tax review that looks 25 years ahead at a time of record low interest rates, rising rents and high property prices can't sell the abolition of negative gearing, it's destined to wither on the vine."


    "Mr Harris says the rejection of the Henry review's recommendations on property taxes and other reforms smacks of political cowardice and ranks this Government one of the most timid and ineffective in modern times."


    "Launching the Henry Review consultation paper in December, Treasury head Ken Henry said he "still wears the scars" from a short-lived experiment with limiting the negative gearing tax concession in the mid-1980s."

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