' here comes the new fed boss ', page-5

  1. 155 Posts.
    The Fed buying US Bonds with printed US Dollars is like the head of a python swallowing the tail of the python. Do it often enough and you get No Python, just a big pile of python manure known as the US Dollar. Lunacy, thy name is America. My advice: don't lend or send any money to America. They will see it as a lifestyle maintenance donation - like the billions that US taxpayers gave to banks, brokers and Big Biz to refund the losses they accumulated (in the Big Crash) punting that US share and housing prices would rise in perpetuity.

    Lenin said: "The best way to destroy capitalism is to debauch the currency." Never in his wildest dreams did the founder of communism imagine (after the US Dollar was uncoupled from gold) that his fondest wish would come true as administrations from Reagan to Obama accumulated Federal debts and unfunded liabilities of $1,090,591 per taxpayer.

    The Fed's game is to debauch the US Dollar until the US Treasury can repay China and other creditors with confetti currency. That done, it can print New US Dollars that can be exchanged (for a limited time) at the rate of One New US Dollar for 1000 old US Dollars. Pity about retiree savings, but somebody has to pay for decades of fiscal profligacy.
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