re: here's a simple leading question Yid(still not convinced you...

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re: here's a simple leading question Yid

    (still not convinced you are not Yak) If there is a terrorist attack that has solid links to Saddam and Iraq yes I would be in favour of military action.

    If however the link is because GWB says there is one (and we all know he never tells lies) or the attack is by AQ because of the threat of military action or actual action against Iraq no I would not support military action against Iraq. I would of course support action that targeted AQ and Bin laden which is where the attention should still be.

    I am not saying it is right but it has been made clear that Sep 11 was retaliation for US foriegn policy that has acted against muslims and mulim nations just as Australians were targeted in Bali for our involvement in East Timor. Bin laden in the tape released last week called on muslims to attack the US, in support of the Iraqi people not in support of Saddam.

    Until the AQ network is brought down which action in Iraq is going to do nothing towards acheiving this the risk of any action such as East Timor and Iraq are going to carry the potential of retaliation terrorist attacks. So the question needs to be asked 'is the action worth the potential price" because it is very likely there will be a price to pay.

    Currently based on not only the US's failure to prove a case that justifies military action but also the constant lies and distorted facts used by the US which are only feeding the beliefs that this has a lot more to do with oil and the US controling the middle east, the responsibility for any terrorist attacks should be carried equally by the terrorists themselves and GWB.

    Yes the fear of retaliation is no doubt one of the reasons behind the anti war protestors but there are a number of greater issues such as

    the killing of an estimated 100,000 innocent iraqis,

    the creating of an estimated 1-2mil refugees

    that Saddam has been contained for 12 years now and is not seen as a great threat,

    That a justifiable case has not been made against Iraq,

    That the whole issue is to do with oil and other related US agenders,

    That people are sick of being lied to by GWB, Blair and Howard.

    No doubt there are a number of other reasons as well which you could argue the rights and wrongs to.

    At the end of the day 2 main points remain, as shown by all polls and the protest marches the majority of the population here and in most countries are against military action against Iraq especialty without UN backing.


    There is very likely to be a price to pay for any action in the way of terrorist attacks, if you think the price is worth it fine, but don't complain "why us" when it comes time to pay.
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