here's a simple question, page-15

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re: here's a simple leading question Yid
    Not wanting to get into an endless debate on the issue but you said the following

    "I would say that 1 of the consequences of dealing with Iraq would be to send messages to many other countries that to aid and abet, to harbour and support the likes of Bin Laden is a a poor career move and could lead to being dealt with. This WILL I believe reduce greatly the havens and suppoprt that he and his crew has."

    If there was any proof that Saddam was aiding and abetting Bin Laden i would agree with you but there is no proof. The proof offered by GWB and Powell is that AQ are operating in the North of Iraq an area occupied by the Kurds who like Bin Laden see Saddam as the enemy and an area that is also protected by the no fly zone enforced by the US and UK and unless I an mistaken protected by Turkish troops. So this proof which even stated by the CIA is very weak that there is any Link between Saddam and Bin Laden.

    This is of course unlike countries like Saudi Arabia, Yemmen, Kwaite, Pakistan, and many Asian countries that have very solid links to AQ and other associated networks.

    If GWB wants to use this as a reason fine provide some REAL PROOF otherwise it just further supports the claim of hidden agenders.
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