Here's a surprise, Victorians in financial distress, page-64

  1. 1,531 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 152
    Great, we have an expert on fiat currency. Lower interest rates, people increase borrowing, increase interest rates and the oligarchs get rich and the middle class and poor suffer. What a wonderful system you support. No current central bank could be given anything other then a D- for there charter of financial stability.
    Half the world is changing to a commodity based currency, most likely gold. You need to get your head out of the sand and do some real research instead of gobling up the BS you are fed on MSM.
    It's called Brics, 45% of world population and 50% of commodities under there banner.
    I'm OK, after paying off my house I started moving my fiat based investments into gold 18 months ago. It wasn't rocket science, I removed MSM from the menu and did my own research and analysis. The bourgeoisie will never wake up in time.
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