UK Gay Leaders Receive Death Threats From Muslim Fundamentalists...

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    UK Gay Leaders Receive Death Threats From Muslim Fundamentalists Group

    by Malcolm Thornberry

    Posted: July 18,Ê 2005Ê 8:00 pm ET

    (London)Ê A British LGBT civil rights group says its leaders have received death threats from Muslim fundamentalists and warns that gay clubs could be targets for terrorist bombers.

    "Gay venues could be bombed by Islamic terrorists," OutRage said Monday. "All gay bars and clubs should introduce bag and body searches. Muslim fundamentalists have a violent hatred of lesbians and gay men. They believe we should be killed. Our community could be their next target. This is no time for complacency."

    The warning comes in the wake of this months terrorist attack in London. (story) More than 50 people died in the bombings that authorities say were the work of Islamic militants.

    One bomb went off in a crowded bus, the others exploded in the subway system, two near stations in gay neighborhoods.

    OutRage said that three of the group's officers have received "repeated death threats from Islamic fundamentalists in recent weeks and months."

    Peter Tatchell, the leader of OutRage; Brett Lock its campaign coordinator; and Aaron Saeed, the organization's spokesperson on Muslim affairs, have been warned they will be murdered, Tatchell said Monday.

    In a statement Tatchell said that they have been told they are on a "hit list" and are going to be "beheaded" and "chopped up", in accordance with "Islamic law".

    The threats apparently began soon after OutRage stepped up its campaign in defense of LGBT Muslims, including gay Muslims fleeing attempted "honor killings" in Algeria, IranÊ Palestine and in the UK.

    Tatchell said that since early April, Islamic fundamentalists have made various attempts to track his movements - posing as journalists, police officers and representatives of the Muslim Council of Britain.

    He said that police have been made aware of the threats and are investigating.Ê A spokesperson for the MET said it does not comment on any possible investigations.

    "If the terrorists want to attack the gay community, they may well attempt to detonate a bomb in a crowded gay bar, restaurant, club or community center," according to Lock.

    "We also urge extra security and special vigilance in gay areas like Canal Street and Old Compton Street, and at up-coming, publicly advertised gay events like Big Gay Out and Soho Pride.
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