Ahhhhh, Ypsilon! My favourite subject! (I just MUST start that...

  1. 4,434 Posts.
    Ahhhhh, Ypsilon! My favourite subject! (I just MUST start that book!)
    He's a confused little loonie toonie Who was born in Greece (parents Greek-Jewish)
    HATES GREECE (Modern, he says, because it's clogged with black habbit wearing priests. That part of his hatred I share with equal ferocity) There are Priests in Greece but I'm told they're declining in number, though I wouldn't know.
    Married an Asian girl, who, unfortunately for Ypsi, she IS a GIRL! Don't know what happened there but he is sexually unsatisfied! The truth be known, what hormoned-brain is ever satisfied with sex, right? I mean we might have the best looking woman around our loins but the moment another woman (far less attractive) walks past while on the job, we lift our head and perve! I don't understand that phenomenon either. Anyhow, Ypsi isn't having a good life these last few years... his mouse is being manipulated by his dik, his dik is being manipulated by the aliens, I mean it's a mess out there for the little boy!
    Loves his wine and most probably is an alco.
    Ypsi flies very high between Friday and late Sunday. Then you catch him at his best; and I mean, at his best! Fantasies and greek swear word roll out of his puter in flood mode! I mean, they are all compound nouns which he constructs hurriedly but they are enormously funny because they are stupid! I never knew there were that many ways of saying "fuk you" in greek!

    I only bring him out of his box during the weekend because the rest of the week he is a proselytising, zionist fanatic and impossibly insulting to anyone with a bit of a brain.
    Yet he does possess one! I don't know what catastrophe hit him but that brain is, at the moment working in reverse gear. Pitty!
    He hangs around the yak and the bumwiper (probably all one and the same minuscule life form) mostly because all three are followers of the philosophy, "go with the strength," (strength meaning, in their minds, numbers, not sense of morality or virtue)

    He is the most cunning diplomat I know. If he were one, though, he'd fuk it up completely because of his love for wine and the thing between boys' legs -on both sides!

    He'd be sweet as sugar with you one minute and the next, out will come his totally undisciplined venum! Buckets and buckets of it! Totaly volatile, totally untrustworthy.

    He, like the other two, is paranoid to the extreme! Constantly asks personal questions: Where are you from, what job are you doing, do you know so-and-so, I know WHO YOU ARE, etc, etc, etc.

    I don't know where this paranoia comes from but paranoid he indubitably is!

    The rest of him can be summed up in one word (which he just loves using) sciolist!

    And that, my friend, is our Ypsi!

    Damn it, I should write a book! The material I have about him, Snuker, Yak, bumwiper and so many others will fill volumes!
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