Hezbullah must be stopped now!, page-87

  1. 47,949 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @822-190; that pathetic, puerile response is also consistent with my expectations of Netanyahu Regime propaganda AI.

    It escapes me how you can endorse the massacres of Palestinian children by a toxic, malignant, psychopathic regime already found by the International Court of Justice to be guilty of infanticide [starving children to death and denying children essential medicines], the illegal displacement of civilians from their homes, ethnic-cleansing, apartheid and the criminal theft of territories which do NOT belong to Israel.

    Your beloved psychopathic dictator has established new low benchmarks for humanity which have already erased the significance of the Holocaust and reduced 'anti-Semitism to such meaninglessness that Netanyahu-worshipping politicians are trying to resurrect the term by re-defining it - as if that will somehow compel decent and fair-minded people NOT to publicly criticise the slaughter of Palestinians by Netanyahu's Regime.
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