hi everyone...

  1. 15,276 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    Long time since I posted at length...

    This will not be one of them sadly.

    I would like add to recent comments on the commodities cycle though, which I think is about to move into overdrive...a great time to exposed to copper in particular in my view.

    Sadly, time is in critically short supply for me these days....I'm up to my neck in all manner of responsibilities, which typically keep me busy from 5:30am to well past 10:00pm most nights...after which I basically just flake out on the couch in a zombie like stare before heading off to bed.

    Will post on HC again in more detail one day...when time is no longer so short...until then, I just want you all to know I miss you.

    Well...most of you...lol

    Suffice to say we are living through interesting times...one in which those with the courage to "get amongst it" will do well and those still hiding under the bed...well...mmmm

    Anyway...getting its hot up here now in the Curry...summer seems to have landed without warning...although I keep telling myself the mid-30's are nothing...wait till we get the week-after-week-after-week of mid/high 40's...and then of course we can look forward to the humidity!

    But that is not all...

    I have come across just three snakes at my feet whilst exploring in the last 12 months or so up here...yet...I have encountered another 7 in just the last 3 days pottering around the bush. I suspect they are a product of the big Xmas wet and sudden turning up of the heat. Makes it pretty hard to explore amongst the Spinifex...and rocks...especially the "browns" which move like a bullet and actually go out of their way to chase you!

    I don't like snakes.

    Regardless, I am having a great time up here, albeit bloody hard work...and its especially nice to meet some of the HC faces that pass by from time to time.

    OK...back to work...

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