have swallowed hook, line and sinker the rhetoric...

  1. 1,061 Posts. have swallowed hook, line and sinker the rhetoric of the apoligists - one could ask why?

    First off..there is NO evidence that DH was mistreated and certainly not a skerrick of evidence that he was tortured in G.

    Second...the G has been inspected by a variety of EU teams and they have long ago toally dispelled the notion that the G was as bad as all the released terrorists have claimed.

    Indeed it was ranked better than any of the prisons in Belgium

    So what do you make of that???????? How does that fit into your notion of a torture camp????

    Or do you simply ignore that fact casue it doesnt fit your preconception???

    Just becasue a few guys who got out "claim" this that or the other doesnt make it true. Ever been to prison???

    I have and every one of them claims that the system screwed them and they got a raw deal or they are 100% innocent.

    Ad just as the West saying it didnt doesnt make that true either

    But look at DH...he doesnt look like he's been tortured for 5 years and he certainly doesnt look like he has been maltreated in a dungeon for 5 years.

    Remembr he is a terrorist or a POW - you pick...that means off the streets for the duration - or dead.

    He's done ok, considering.
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