For reasons quite diverse, there is so much rhetoric about DH...

  1. 1,061 Posts.
    For reasons quite diverse, there is so much rhetoric about DH and th erosion of rights and the way the terror issue is managed. Much of it is meaningless rhetoric or meaningless waffle - most of it is a storm in tea cup

    Suffice to say, Govts in the West are entrusted with the task of keeping the masses safe from both foreign and domestic threats.

    Suffice to say that in the general course of events the avrage person wont have a scintilla of effect on their lives in terms of intrusions or inconvenience - much less invasion of privacy or loss of rights.

    Many of the pundits for winding back the powers in place seem to operating uncer this pseudo-paranoid thinking that lurking just under the surface in our halls of Govt is this rampant dictatorship that is just waiting to rise up to ensalve us and take away our lives and freedoms and only our constant vigilance prevents this from happening.


    The fact is, as I said...the bad guys have everything to fear and the 99.9999% of the rest of us - we've got nothing to fear.

    Its the same arguement over things like a DNA register nationwide. Sure there is the potnetial for some abuse - nothing is perfect. But the enormous positive spin offs would be enormous and clearly in a pro-con debate - the issue is a lay down masaire. Criminals would be so much more readily idetifiable. Accident victims too.

    and who champions the NO case - these civil libertarians and the legal defence lawyers who know just what impact this would have on their target groups (income..).

    You want my DNA - take it. I've got nothing to fear.

    You want to eavesdrop on my telephone communications for some reason. I could care less - I got nothing to fear.

    And my fear is minimal because I KNOW that the authorities would be exercising restraint and doing it on an as-needed basis

    Now again...the argument often raised against it is that the police etc are not to be trusted


    The ones who most probably say that have a reason to fear alot of these measures

    At the end of the day - I trust my govt to take the steps they decided necesary to protect us - because they do so with our best interests at heart AND they do so with SOOOOOO much more of the big picture info that the rest of us simply never dream about

    Let them do their work and stop making up these straw men to knock down.
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