It is rarely mentioned that Hicks fought as an US ally in Kosovo...

  1. 2,218 Posts.
    It is rarely mentioned that Hicks fought as an US ally in Kosovo before moving on to Pakistan and joining the group who were fighting to 'liberate' Kasmir and subsequently joined the Taliban who at that time were trying to get rid of corrupt warlords in Afghanistan.
    He finished up 'against' the US after the twin tower attack because he was there when the US decided to invade Afghanistan to destroy Al Qaeda.
    I suggest that he is a victim of circumstance as well being a somewhat mixed up.
    All this is irrelevant to the argument that the US in breach of the US Constitution and laws by suspending habeus corpus, using coercion to obtain info' and planning to break fundamental rules of evidence.
    The US Supreme Court will not wear this, but it will be another three years before Hicks is released unless little John and his mate who masquerades as a member of Amnesty International do something.

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