hilarious false assumption

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    There is a false assumption underpinning
    support for Howard's homeless
    child-caging policy.

    The false assumption is that if all
    the refugees who could afford to
    pay 'Dodgy World Travel' an arm
    and a leg to get to Australia
    were admited - we'd be
    flooded with boatloads
    of refugees by Friday.

    One tiny piece of evidence that
    such an assumption could be
    hilariously false:

    Long ago Australia abolished
    internal state borders and
    when the worst drought
    in 1000 years struck,
    the median strip on
    Northbourne Avenue
    was NOT filled with
    drought refugees
    from NSW who
    used it as a
    public loo!

    Why not?

    Because like foreign refugees
    Aussies in difficulties LOVE
    their home turf and will
    resist having to move
    (from where they love)
    with might and main
    until death stares
    them in the face!

    So the self-centred idea that
    Australia is the best place on
    Earth is confined to us!

    The self-centred idea that
    we'll be swamped is
    equally ludicrous.

    In my private life I've discovered
    that provided I'm doing the right
    thing (not the evil, selfish or
    fearful thing) paths appear
    I didn't know existed and
    mountians become

    As an old friend of mine says:

    Fear knocked at the door.
    Faith opened the door.
    Nobody was there.

    Purely by chance, or maybe not purely
    by chance, the tank-maker just
    phoned and our new rainwater
    tank will be delivered today!

    When full it will hold 6,000 litres
    which takes our total capacity
    to 30,000 litres of rainwater.

    PLUS this story was in the
    Canberra Times a week
    after our rooftop solar
    panels were installed
    to pump electricity
    back into the grid:

    Bottom Line:

    If I do the right thing to gain
    the reward, the reward won't

    But if I do the right thing
    because it's the right
    thing to do, the
    reward will

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