hilarious false assumption, page-42

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    A mother sells her daughter into prostitution and the young girl is picked up by police and must be sent for a while to welfare orgainization.

    Are the police and the courts to blame for patrolling the streets, enforcing the law of the land and taking the young girl off the street?

    The criminal gangsters running the people smuggling networks are great fans of the possibly well-meaning, but fundamentally naive bubble-heads who are actively involved in undermining the justfiably tight immigration laws of Australia by whatever emotional imagery they can muster.

    After all, business pickings of these gangster groups have become slim since it has become obvious that Australia is no longer a good location for welfare-shopping,world-travelling economic re-settlers who wish to bypass all normal avenues for immigration into Australia for a quick, easy, cheap and favourable immigration outcome without those messy details such as going through an establish and legal process. (at least this is what the gangsters told them and I guess they feel that the Australian Government must live up to the deal the parents made with the gangsters).

    Fundamentally, the Australian Government has made it completely obvious that there is a lengthly detention and evaluation period for illegal immigrants who feel that it is necesary for their safety to pay gangsters in order to travel around the world in order to make an asylum claim in Austraila, despite being completely safe in numerous countries along the way.

    Fundamentally the parents have chosen to pay criminal groups and have given these gangsters custody of their children and themselves. It is their responsibility if they choose to take action that endangers or puts them and their children in the position of breaking our laws.

    Anyone who really felt strongly about this would get out of their comfortable arm-chair, and be off to countries overseas and volounteer their services to assist the UN in the processing of actual refugees rather than waste their time attacking the enforcement of our laws which by virtue of their success have denied the criminal gangsters a viable business model from the expansion of people smuggling and have probably save many lives.

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