hilarious false assumption, page-46

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    your summation of Corby's situation is outrageously erroneous milesg - and unfair to her.

    she had NO fair trial - she was regarded as guilty until proven innocent -the court and the defence were a shambles -
    the complete opposite legal system to Australia.

    Read her book! Might open your eyes. This is a very strong, brave woman.

    there was NO forensic evidence every likely to be forthcoming due to the disgraceful tampering with the evidence at the airport on that night! Everyone and their dog had their hands on that stash! Took some samples! Handled the container.

    I KNOW Indonesia!! I have sat outside an office waiting in full view of an official who was smiling at me through the glass - whilst he was propositioning my young daughter over her visa renewal application. Unbeknown to him she spoke the lingo -fluently! And she told him what she thought of him - in no uncertain terms! He soon smartened up - very fast. Especially when we dropped some names of Balinese hierarchy!

    You cannot compare apples with oranges. Things "up there" are happenings on another planet.Our systems are null and void there. "She receievd a fair trial" - phooey!!

    even if she is guilty - she does not deserve 20 years.

    And there was a big drug heist running through Sydney and Brisbane airports that same day she was travelling quite a big co-incidence??

    Hicks abandoned his wife and children and left them to their own deviices whilst he went overseas to live it up and train with Al Quaeda. By no stretch of the imgagination can it be said he did this on some sudden whim. He did the full religious conversion. He translated documents for Bin Laden. He cared enough to learn Arabic well enough to be able to do work for the CEO of world terrorism - no mean feat! He was not pussy-footing around!

    He is not some poor little naive who had bad potty training and lost his way. He knew exactly what he was doing. And joined this crew very delberately - to help them! As he did!

    Funny how my detractors say I am the one with the narrow minded view. Meanwhile, none of them can get off their own single minded track - that Kevin Rudd and Labor is the answer to Australia's prayers!!
    And their answer to me is personal attack.

    It it weren't so serious - it'd be hilarious!

    As I'm under personal attack just for having an opinion, - I'm staying off for a while - or for good now - for my own serenity and peace of mind.

    As I say - if you want to opt for mediocrity - you're welcome to them!!

    God help Australia if they are stuck with that crew in charge. For 'that" crew are NOT up to the job.
    Perhaps in the future some other "crew" may weel be up to it - but no, not THIS one!!

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