Secretary of State Hillary Clinton address the WORLD stage...

  1. 7,449 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton address the WORLD stage wearing her haraam pantsuits, alienating her Saudi sponsers, and oh 1.4 billion devout followers of a peaceful TRUCK loving faith. If is a sin for women to imitate a man the hadith & sira agree.

    A particularly bad sin for an old crone like Hillary, whose hormones are not pumping as much. (It's technical:- Muhammed would understand)

    Hillary Clinton then embraces herself in the cuddled arms of another married man (Obama), on international TV which the hadiths vehemently condemn too.

    She then holds this accursed man's hand ! This too is deeply scorned in Islam. Probably the most punishable of all sins. The Sharia, would ax that filthy hand! Who the hell knows where it has ever been?

    SERIOUSLY = THESE are very big EVILS in the eyes of the prophet. And the only recompense is that Hillary should be publicly punished.

    What a hypocrite Hillary is in criticising the divisions between people & nations that TRUMP potentially creates.

    In these three things, Hillary Clinton has caused more damage than TRUMP's WALL will ever do to International USA relations.


    Islam is big on walls.

    Anyone, says Allah, can build a damned wall, wherever he pleases. Walls are NOT haraam. (Unlike Weetabix which is, if not sanctioned by 8 Islamic councils. )

    How bloody stupid is this women?

    If only Hillary had half the sensitivity of Theresa May,
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