HILLARY to ANNOUCE - But When?, page-145

  1. 3,107 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    So with the latest developments

    the CNN / Pinnociohontas (and therefore DNC) setup of of Bernie Sanders at the last debate
    the Hollywood delusional propaganda docuseries 'Hillary' complete with her HILLARiously saying in interview, without any self reflection whatsoever, that 'Nobody likes Bernie'
    the toilet paper of records endorsement of Pinnociohontas and Amy Klobuchar (lol)
    the continuing 'stretching out' of the HOAX impeachment
    the Barr Durham 'investigations' will last right up to the Democrat National Convention July13-16

    it all pretty much suggests that the deals been cut and the choreography is ready to go.........so the odds on outcome is now

    a) Pinnociohontas gets the Democrat nomination in July
    b) Pinnociohontas fluffs around for a month or 2 (or as long as inhumanly possible) before 'stepping down for the good of the country' into the running mate position as 'the beast' flies in on it's leathery wings to save the day

    I see that registered Democrat Kunstler even added a bit of extra meat to this earlier this week, he even got the last bit right as well


    "Just today The New York Times endorsed Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar for president. Yes, you probably thought what I thought initially: one for Prez, one for Veep. Actually, no, it was both for Prez. How’s that supposed to work? Well, it’s just a ruse, of course, because both are foundering in the polls, and poor Ms. Warren is on tape lying about herself so many times that you’d see more of that on TV than Seinfeld reruns before next November. The New York Times is actually holding out for the resurrection of Hillary Clinton. Isn’t this the perfect set-up for old Hillary to swoop into Milwaukee on her leathery wings of fire, like the fearsome Wendigo of Potawatomi legend, and gobble up the delegates? It would be much like the Whigs nominating the old warhorse General Winfield Scott in the election of 1852. That election marked the death of the Whig Party, and with Hillary leading the charge, 2020 would be the end of the Democrats, such as they were known."

    Last edited by BugGold: 22/01/20
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