Hillary would have won if

  1. 7,181 Posts.
    ""But I was on the way to winning until a combination of [FBI director] Jim Comey's letter on October 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off.""


    Hillary fans are so relieved to be told that she was flawless and destined to be a winner. It must be true because she said so.

    As for having no flaws hmmm.

    "She said while her campaign overcame an "enormous barrage of negativity, of false equivalency" but was fatally wounded by Russian leaks and the FBI's eleventh-hour disclosures about her use of a private email server."

    She has a point in that so much of her baggage was being kept secret. She and her staff seemed to have no idea of security. Their emails were there to be hacked by every man and his dog.

    So if she was so smart and infallible why didn't she tell her staff that their emails could be hacked and hence only put nice things in "your emails".

    As for the FBI, it is possible that Comey found out that those polls were fake and that Trump would win. If this was the case then his goose was cook so it appears that he took the precaution of appearing balanced.

    Look on the bright side Hillary, all those polls, polls here polls there polls everywhere were patting you on the back. You couldn't lose because the polls were ringing "Hillary Hillary come hither Hillary".

    Still suffering from Poll Fever she gets set to run in 2020 wherein the media will produce more fake polls and in 2021 will will relive why she was robbed.
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