Pete, just maybe we have been handling them wrong, a silly...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    Pete, just maybe we have been handling them wrong, a silly thought I had this morning.
    I thought back to a chat I had with the guys running the Leonora detention centre some time back (that I posted on). Their centre, at the time, was full of Iranians (and please dont throw Monis at me yet), who they regarded as nice people, keen to integrate into society, work, and have a life.....
    They also told me that those people would not be allowed to work for 5 years, and had to exist on 85% of the dole during that test their dedication.
    That applies, I think to the majority of refugees in recent times.....
    Imagine sitting around for 5 years not being allowed to work.

    Look what happened to Aboriginal youth who became dependent on welfare....most turn to crime. Its not hard to imagine Muslim youth sitting around idle, feeling isolated and unaccepted turning to Jihadist ideals. Send them up to work out their 5 year probation on the Ord River farms...give them a bit of ground to grow some veggies, etc....use them to develop the Kimberly.
    Scrap paying them to sit around..let them work. I dont think we would be sorry......
    Those showing extremist, Jihadist tendencies could be sent to work on the crocodile farms .
    Would have to be a win situation over the current setup. The first English phrase they should learn is "There is no such thing as a free lunch."

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