Voltaire ..You admire others for sticking to their aims ... so...

  1. 4,483 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 858
    Voltaire ..

    You admire others for sticking to their aims ... so why not the US government ?

    The fact that you landed so many thumbs up, now I can understand why Australia has voted in such a current government.

    Lets get something straight ..

    North Vietnam was the" aggressor" (backed by the USSR).

    France begged the US Airforce to bomb the NVA surrounding their base at Den bien phu in 1954 .. the US refused, due to not wanting to become involved in SE Asia.

    Their is no way you can even come close to making the statement that Iran would have beaten Iraq if not for the US !!

    North Korea "invaded" South Korea ... backed by China !! (but that's ok ?)

    Laos & Cambodia allowed NVA forces onto their lands to supply the rebels in South Vietnam .. thats why they where bombed. A full scale invasion was wanted by General Westmooreland, which would have freed the people of these countries from the hell that was to come to still is.

    .. what about Chinese military in other countries ? raping Africa ... arming the Sudanese !! making another arms race in Aisa ... Asian governments spending money on arms instead of it's peoples, due to the communists (but that's ok ?)

    The US halted the spread of communism, the lefties (Voltaire) will never forgive the US for that.

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