history behind the nazis, page-4

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    gday kenneth,am i correct from that comment you didnt watch those in their entirety?you just saw the utube subject heading?

    because i believe they explain clearly who controlled and ran nazi s ,not an attack ken,just a question.

    when you see who educated and controlled the likes of georgetown universities , bill clinton

    obama educated by jesuits,his closest advisor is jesuit
    joe biden is jesuit

    cecil rhodes who educates in global politics and globalist agendas of the likes of bob hawke malcom turnbull etc was funded and educated by jesuits in globalisation

    rudd and also jesuit controlled abbott are involved in this hegalian rulership of aust,and are staunch believers
    in this institution

    remember free society came out of the dark ages rule of rome,we broke its secular power by our constitutions etc
    that gave the power to free people elected societies

    the politically correct policies that have been foisted upon the western socities are put their to break down the fabric of society that broke the back of this institution

    now by foreign policy,political correctness war and the financial system,we can see church and state being implemented behind the scenes,hell,research the ties between rothschilds and fed reserve etc,they are the vaticans bankers

    globalisation,is nothing more than a modern day inquisition,centraling all fasits of politics,finance,and religion under eventually the united nations,which was set up to eventually be given some teeth,when the time is right

    who behind the deciept is controlled and run by vatican,and history will repeat itself,and we will be in a
    modern day dark ages dictated to by unelected think tanks,
    copernhagen was a perfect example of social engineering attempt to hijack free government

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