IPT 0.00% 1.3¢ impact minerals limited

Hitchhiker’s Guide to IPTThe Essential Good Oil However you have...

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    Hitchhiker’s Guide to IPT

    The Essential Good Oil

    However you have travelled to arrive here, and whatever your level of experiences in your journey, this guide is mostly for those new to IPT, (and an overview for longer-term holders), as evaluating all of the prospects in the IPT package of tenements can be daunting in appreciating and evaluating the sheer number and quality of deposits, and all of the layers of dimensions that comprise IPT.

    The guide is medium-weight. It’s not short, and it’s not immaculately comprehensive.

    Expect a pretty thorough grounding via an extended helicopter flight over IPT.

    Expect to become a little more familiar with geology terminology and learn some relevant geo stuff throughout the IPT Anns and forum posts. IPT exudes rich geology. But if geology doesn’t float your boat, skip over those bits and go for the content that resonates for you. Open a bottle of wine and pour a glass.

    And thanks to @DeltaVee and to every single positive contributor for inspiring this style of informational and kick-starting the deeper research for this guide.

    IPT — Excellence in Exploration

    That’s the company tagline. That’s who they are. This is IPT’s focused area of specialist operations — excellence in exploration. IPT have extensive tenement holdings ( > 2,000 km2) within Australia across 4 major projects featuring significant potential for high-grade mineral deposits of gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, nickel and PGM’s.

    Btw, Platinum Group Elements (PGE’s) = Platinum Group Metals (PGM’s).

    Each major project area has distinctive local geology flavours within that area — these have separate ongoing assessments to separate out the specialised individual potential of each deposit, mineralisation and drill target zones.

    IPT apply a practical academic approach to exploration, and it has been the steady accumulation of all of the deposits of stellar potential listed below into one outstanding quality package, that has solidified investment. It is the exceptional high grades in the deposits that have accelerated investor excitement.

    Ok, Broken Hill is imminent, and the impending results have that very high quiet confidence of an extraordinary series of events about to unfold. And that is the start point for the rest of the IPT journey. I believe we are on the cusp of witnessing an era of discovery that will resonate around the world.



    Broken Hill has world class mining credentials and is world-famous for the giant silver-lead-zinc deposits in abundance. Broken Hill is unsurpassed in an Australian mining company history that resulted in a global mining company maker for BHP.

    Geology: The IPT Broken Hill Project comprises five granted exploration licences (EL7390, EL8234, EL8636, EL8674 and EL8609) that cover 726 square kilometres near Broken Hill, NSW. The project is prospective for both nickel-copper-PGE mineralisation associated with ultramafic-mafic rocks and zinc-lead-silver in “Broken Hill-style” deposits hosted mostly by metasedimentary rocks and amphibolite.

    Even after 150 years Broken Hill is underdone in exploration terms because of its complexities that take skill and understanding to make the breakthroughs in order to re-write the histories, and determine the tonnage which is what Impact are aiming to do.

    The three primary targets at Broken Hill are Red Hill, Platinum Springs and Little Broken Hill **bro (LBGH).

    Potential: Broken Hill has all 6 platinum group metals in very high grades which is an exceptionally unusual thing to occur anywhere in the world.

    One of the advantages of these amazing grades is the significant increase in potential to advance the BH project to mining and production even with a projected 50,000 - 100,000 oz of PGE’s which is the next step-out target for this round of drilling.

    Down the track: early initial aim for any pathway to production is that PGE’s

    are difficult to process and separate out, so the objective at this stage is to sell the concentrates as the mineralisation is from surface and beautifully designed for an open pit, and the Capex is low.

    Red Hill

    At Red Hill, a current drill program of RC and diamond drilling will test the along trend and down plunge extension of the exceptional nickel-copper-PGE mineralisation, from 22nd July 2020. Assays are pending from 24 August.

    Previous Drill results: Twelve out of the thirteen drill holes completed at Red Hill returned robust widths and grades of nickel-copper-PGE’s.

    From hole RHD008 - an impressive 29.0 metres at 10.9 g/t 7PGM comprising: 0.8 g/t rhodium, 0.9 g/t iridium, 0.8 g/t osmium, 0.8 g/t ruthenium, 5.1 g/t palladium, 2.5 g/t platinum and 0.4 g/t gold, 2.3% copper, 0.4% nickel and 58 g/t silver from surface.

    Standout drill hole RHD012 returned a bonanza drill intersect of 3.5 metres at 5 g/t platinum, 6 g/t gold, 144 g/t palladium, 2.9% nickel, 2.3% copper and 14.5 g/t silver in sulphides associated with veins and structures.

    • 0.65 metres at 54.5 g/t (1.7 ounces) 7PGM comprising: 0.9 g/t rhodium, 1.2 g/t iridium, 0.9 g/t osmium, 0.5 ruthenium, 29.7 g/t palladium,19.2 g/t platinum, 2.1 g/t gold, 12.2% copper, 0.5% nickel and 147 g/t silver from 27.7 metres.

    Geology: Previous work by Impact has shown that this is because the parent magmas are sourced from the deep mantle and were intruded into the middle to upper crust during the break up of the supercontinent Rodinia about 800 million years ago. At this time Broken Hill was close to Jinchuan in China, one of world’s major nickel-copper-PGE deposits (>500 Mt at 1.2% nickel, 0.7% copper and 0.4 g/t total PGE), and which is of the same age as the ultramafic intrusions at Red Hill. Accordingly Impact views the Broken Hill province as having exceptional prospectivity for magmatic nickel-copper sulphides. At Red Hill, the mineralisation comprises variably weathered sulphide mineralisation hosted in veins and faults associated with ultramafic dykes and brittle felsic pegmatites. The dykes are interpreted as apophyses from the main Red Hill intrusion and future exploration will focus on tracking the dykes back towards the intrusion at depth.

    Potential: Red Hill is regarded as the prime target in Broken Hill at this stage.

    To provide perspective, there’s a a 1.2 m thick intercept at nearly 11 oz (336 g/t) of 7PGE’s — Pd + Pt + Au + Ag + Ni + Cu and contains all 4 rare PGEs of grades seen only in a few places around the world. These are the highest platinum and palladium grades ever discovered in Australia.

    To put that into a global best context: Red Hill returned approx. 3.5 metres at 162.4 g/t (5.3 ounces) 7PGE as compared to the world's current highest grade PGE deposit that occurs in the Stillwater Complex of Montana, which are only 2.6 m at 31 g/t 3PGE. Again in comparison, ore grades in the Bushveld Complex of South Africa typically range from 6 to 10 g/t PGE.

    Assay results are expected in the last week of August: 24-31 Aug.

    Platinum Springs

    The Platinum Springs prospect lies at the southern end of a major nine-kilometre-long dyke called the Moorkai Trend that has very high grade nickel-copper-PGM’s. Three main target areas at the southern end of the Moorkai Trend will be tested by reverse circulation drill holes: Platinum Springs, Plat Central and Plat West. These areas cover three parts of a significant change in trend of the dyke from north-south to east-west over a distance of about 1,500 metres.

    Drill results: The headline number is a 0.6 m intercept of exceptional grades: 43 g/t combined of platinum, palladium, gold + rare PGMs + solid 7.6% Cu + 7.4% Ni.

    Some of the better Platinum Springs historic hits include:

    • 0.6 metres at 11.5 g/t platinum, 25.6 g/t palladium, 1.4 g/t gold, 1.3 g/t rhodium, 1.7 g/t iridium, 2.0 g/t osmium and 0.8 g.t ruthenium, 7.6% copper, 7.4% nickel and 44.3 g/t silver from 57.1 metres down hole;
    • within a broader intercept of 2.75 metres at 3.5 g/t platinum, 7 g/t palladium, 0.4 g/t gold, 2% copper, 1.9% nickel and 11.6 g/t silver from 55 metres down hole.

    Geology: Previous work was mostly done with a model of a large, layered intrusion in mind in which high grade PGM’s were expected along a large strike length of the host intrusion. The dyke is poorly exposed at surface around this change in trend and previous drilling has been focussed on areas of outcrop. However, a compilation of previous drilling and ground magnetic data shows that the dyke is much thicker in the areas under cover than previously recognised and these areas are relatively untested in many places.

    Potential: Drill testing will be focused on tracking the massive sulphide unit to the north and north west. Together, assays from previous drill holes have defined an area that is at least 200 metres long and up to 20 metres wide. Work by Impact suggests that a Kambalda-style structural channel or even chonolith is a more appropriate geometric model to follow. Such styles of nickel-copper-PGM sulphide mineralisation are more challenging to discover, but once confirmed can persist for long distances down plunge. There is an implicit exception of exceptional grades, and drilling will be hunting down the channels.


    Little Broken Hill **bro (LGBH)

    The Little Broken Hill **bro (LBHG) lies about 25 km south of the town of Broken Hill and is the largest of a string of mafic to ultramafic intrusions that occur in a 40 km long belt from Little Broken Hill in the south west to Red Hill, Darling Creek, Platinum Springs and Moorkai in the north east.

    Drill results: current and initial 4,000 m drilling program is underway mid-August to mid September, weather permitting.

    Geology: A new interpretation of the Little Broken Hill **bro reveals: it was a mid-crustal magma chamber likely fed by mantle-sourced magmas carrying nickel-copper-PGEs through newly identified feeder zones that are priority targets for follow up; at least five separate magma pulses fed the chamber during regional extension. This caused gravity sliding and slumping of the magma into the chamber which may also have helped trigger massive sulphide deposition.

    Potential: LGBH is of the correct age, scale and geodynamic setting to host a major nickel-copper-PGE deposit, and contains similar internal structures to those that host many of the world’s major nickel-copper-PGE deposits such as Jinchuan and Voiseys Bay. LBHG is evident in airborne magnetic data and is about five kilometres long and up to one kilometre thick.


    The Commonwealth Project comprises 902 km2 of exploration licences located 50 to 100 km north of Orange, NSW in the prolific gold and copper rich Lachlan Fold Belt, comprising the following deposits:

    Boda South

    Immediately adjacent to Alkane’s Boda-Kaiser discovery, in a southerly direction, but still in the north of the Commonwealth Project area. At Boda South the new magnetic data confirms that the southern end of the Boda Intrusive Complex that controls the porphyry copper-gold mineralisation at Boda-Kaiser extends on to Impact’s tenements.

    Geology: At Boda South, which covers the southern extension of the Boda Intrusive Complex, host to the Boda deposit, copper-bearing, Ordovician-aged and epidote altered shoshonite volcanics indicate the prospect may lie in the outer distal zone of a major porphyry copper gold deposit such Cadia-Ridgeway. The Boda South prospect, which is undrilled, covers the faulted southern contact of the Boda Intrusive Complex (BIC), host to the Boda-Kaiser mineralisation and which is Ordovician in age. As demonstrated at Apsley and Spicers Creek, Boda South also contains the fundamental characteristics required to potentially host a significant porphyry copper-gold deposit.

    Potential: Significant porphyry copper-gold potential has been demonstrated because each prospect has characteristics commonly seen around giant alkaline porphyry copper-gold systems globally such as Cadia-Ridgeway and Boda. In addition, Greenobbys indicates an emerging region for high grade gold and silver epithermal mineralisation in rocks much younger than those that host the porphyry copper-gold mineralisation.


    Directly south of Alkane’s Bod-Kaiser discovery, in the north of the Commonwealth Project area, is the Gladstone tenement.

    Sampling results: At Gladstone a previous rock chip sample returned 9.9 g/t gold, 3.2% copper and an exceptional silver result of 4,550 g/t associated with a significant 2 km long fault newly identified in the magnetic data which has never been explored.

    Geology: This is a new style of mineralisation for this area and is suggestive of a telescoped epithermal gold-silver system driven by cooling of late granites. There has been no exploration of significance for this style of mineralisation on Impact’s tenements.

    Potential: New airborne magnetic data and previous rock chip assays results highlight significant potential for high grade gold-silver epithermal mineralisation in addition to porphyry copper-gold mineralisation.

    The aeromagnetic data also shows both Gladstone and Boda South are now clearly shown to cover southern extensions of the Boda Intrusive Complex, host to the Boda porphyry copper-gold deposit.


    The Commonwealth and associated Silica Hill deposits occur in the centre of Impact’s Commonwealth project and comprise a high sulphidation volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit and an epithermal gold-silver deposit respectively. Both deposits are characterised by exceptional silver grades.

    Drill results:

    Commonwealth Main Shaft: 5.7 metres at 3.8 g/t gold, 347 g/t silver, 10.8% zinc and 3.7% lead including 0.5 metres at 4.9 g/t gold, 917 g/t silver, 10.2% zinc and 4.6% lead;

    Commonwealth South: 8 metres at 5.1 g/t gold, 20 g/t silver, 1.3% zinc and 0.5% lead including 0.5 metres at 34.3 g/t gold, 40 g/t silver, 5.8% zinc and 2.3% lead; and 4 metres at 41.8 g/t gold (1.3 ounces per tonne), 93 g/t silver, 5.5% zinc and 2.3% lead;

    Potential: There is an inferred resource of 88,800 ounces of gold and 3.3 Moz of silver at these two Commonwealth deposits.

    The target lenses are sometimes only 10’s of metres wide (as opposed to their thickness). Accordingly the drill spacing required to effectively test these lenses has to be of the order of 25 metres between drill holes — it is clear there is significant scope at Commonwealth to discover many more massive sulphide lenses.

    Commonwealth and Silica Hill deposits contain bonanza grades of silver in both massive sulphide lenses as well as in epithermal veins, an important factor to consider given the current resurgence in the silver price.

    Silica Hill

    The twin deposits of Silica Hill and Commonwealth are interpreted as being part of the same overall mineralised system; and both are open along trend and at depth.

    Drill results: 22.5 metres at 1.7 g/t gold and 276 g/t silver; including 0.3 metres at 1.8 g/t gold and 4,200 g/t (135 ounces or 0.42%) silver; and also including 0.8 metres at 13.6 g/t gold and 40 g/t silver.

    48.6 metres at 137 g/t silver (4.4 ounces) and 0.5 g/t gold from 122 metres down hole, including, 23 metres at 224 g/t silver (7.2 ounces) and 1.0 g/t gold from 147.7 metres, which includes 0.9 metres at 3,146 g/t silver (101 ounces) and 2.4 g/t gold from 148.1 metres.

    The highest silver grade discovered to date at Silica Hill is 0.4 metres at 1.6 g/t gold and 6,240 g/t silver (200 ounces).

    Geology: At Silica Hill, a virgin discovery of high grade veins and disseminations of sulphide with gold and extensive visible silver minerals (antimony and arsenic sulphosalts: proustite-pyrargyrite). These minerals are exceptionally rare in Australia and contribute to some exceptional silver grades in specific veins.

    Potential: The Commonwealth-Silica Hill deposits are unique in Australia and have strong similarities to the world class Eskay Creek gold-silver rich volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit in Canada. Over its 14 year mine life Eskay Creek produced approximately 3.3 million ounces of gold and 160 million ounces of silver from 2.2 million tonnes of ore at average grades of 45 g/t gold and 2,224 g/t silver.

    The new magnetic data and previous exploration results by Impact and others strongly support the potential for the Commonwealth Project to host not only significant porphyry copper-gold deposits but also intrusion-related epithermal gold-silver deposits and volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. This attests to the scale of the mineralised system at Silica Hill which is still open in all directions and further deeper drilling is required.


    Assay results: Greenobbys prospect returned rock chip assays up to 9.5 g/t gold, 215 g/t silver (7 ounces) and 745 ppm bismuth. In addition the veins contain a remarkable array of pathfinder metals in particular bismuth (up to 745 ppm), molybdenum (up to 519 ppm) and tellurium (up to 40 ppm), together with appreciable amounts of the pathfinder metals selenium-thallium-antimony-arsenic-lead-barium and tungsten

    Geology: Impact has identified high grade epithermal gold-silver mineralisation that is much younger than the porphyry copper-gold mineralisation and which has not been extensively explored for in the entire region. The new magnetic data shows that the vein system occurs at the margin of a magnetic granite called the Wuuluman Granite (Carboniferous age). There are indications of the NW trending structures in the data. Of note is a north-west trending magnetic low that is up to 500 metres thick and lies about 1 kilometre south of the vein system at Greenobbys.

    Potential: Greenobbys is a clear zone of destruction of magnetite by hydrothermal fluids which has never been explored and is a priority area for follow up field checking. All of these features are interpreted to indicate the veins are related to fluids released from a potassium rich granite, possibly the host Wuuluman Granite, and which may represent a “telescoped” epithermal system covering at least several hundred square metres. The veins are open along trend and at depth as there is no recorded drilling in the area. Telescoping refers to the significant overlap between proximal and distal metal and mineral assemblages and suggests the possible rapid collapse of the parent hydrothermal system. This is encouraging for the discovery of bonanza gold-silver veins. The scale and size of the vein and alteration system is very encouraging and further field checking and sampling is warranted.

    Spicers Creek

    Off on its own tenement in the north-east of Commonwealth is Spicers Creek near Goolma.

    Sampling results: "These new rock chip assays have confirmed and significantly enhanced our belief that our extensive ground holdings in the Lachlan Fold Belt have the potential to host a major porphyry copper-gold deposit.”

    Extensive areas of copper+/-gold mineralisation over several square kilometres at both prospects with up to 14.4% copper and 6.8 g/t gold at Spicers Creek.

    Geology: many of the geophysical components needed for a large porphyry gold and copper deposit are present. “The data shows two of our key targets have all the hallmarks of a large mineralised system, extensive copper and other metals in rocks of the same age and same geochemistry as those that host the world-class deposits at Cadia-Ridgeway and North Parkes." The rocks also showed "classic patterns of pathfinder metal and alteration mineral assemblages" seen around those deposits.

    Potential: significant porphyry copper-gold potential has been demonstrated. Subsequent work by Impact has shown that Spicers Creek, together with the Apsley and Boda South prospects have significant porphyry copper-gold potential because they each have a number of characteristics commonly seen around giant alkaline porphyry copper-gold systems globally such as Cadia, North Parkes and Boda.


    At the south-western boundary of the Commonwealth Project is the Apsley prospect. New soil geochemistry and airborne magnetic data identified ‘near-textbook examples’ of the zones expected around major alkalic porphyry copper gold complexes, that have been defined over an area of about four square kilometres, with five specific zonations for follow-up.

    Geology: Key features identified include:

    1. A 2,000 metre long by 500 metre wide north east trending zone of anomalous gold-copper-palladium and platinum, an assemblage characteristic of the core area of an alkalic porphyry copper deposit.

    2. The most strongly anomalous part of this core overlaps with two discrete magnetic highs. These are potential targets for the parent porphyry intrusions and this area is a priority area for follow up work.

    3. This “core” lies entirely within a “zinc doughnut”, defined by a very large outer halo of anomalous zinc-lead-manganese that covers an area of at least three square kilometres.

    Combined, these two zones are of a similar scale to that at the world class Wafi-Golpu deposit in PNG, also characterised by a textbook “zinc doughnut”.

    Potential: significant porphyry copper gold potential has been demonstrated because each prospect has characteristics commonly seen around giant alkaline porphyry copper-gold systems globally such as Cadia-Ridgeway and Boda.

    Apsley Prospect is potentially part of one very large porphyry copper-gold complex. The zonation seen, in particular the gold-copper-palladium-platinum association is so characteristic of alkalic systems like Cadia and North Parkes.

    Next step: An Induced Polarisation (IP) ground geophysical survey will commence before the end of August with results expected by late September. Apsley will be fast-tracked for drilling as quickly as practicable.


    The Blackridge Conglomerate gold project

    IPT’s tenure now covers 90 per cent of the historic Blackridge conglomerate goldfield, which includes the extensive Blackridge and Springs gold trends, giving Impact ownership of the southern half of the greater Miclere-Blackridge area that produced over 300,000 ounces of gold in the late 1800s and early 1900s. “The gold mined at Blackridge was in the form of coarse nuggets mined mostly underground from a two-metre thick conglomerate unit located at the basal contact (unconformity) of a sedimentary sequence of Permian age and an older sequence known as the Anakie Metamorphics.” thanks @bluesamurai

    The Blackridge acquisitions are a shrewd acquisition for Impact, the pegging of the Blackridge goldfield provide for a cheap, large-scale, bulk mining opportunity in Queensland in the future, and ties up another outstanding opportunity into the IPT portfolio.

    Drill results: At Pewt’s Hill previous work has shown that: gold results from large diameter Calweld drill holes showed significant increases in grade, thickness and lateral extent in the mineralised conglomerate compared to adjacent narrow RC drill holes. This indicates gold grades are increasing with sample size which is encouraging for potential bulk mining; gold is preferentially located adjacent to faults that extend into the underlying basement. These faults are untested anywhere on the entire Blackridge project and are targets for epithermal style mineralisation; and o gold bearing conglomerates are preserved beneath shallow Tertiary basalt cover that covers a large part of the licences. These areas have never been explored for gold.

    At Hard Hill there has been no large diameter drilling but previous narrow RC drill holes demonstrate: o modest to high grades of gold are present at the target unconformity over a very large area of 1,200 metres by 2,000 metres in dimension and down to depths of only 100 metres below surface; and o gold occurs at least in several units well above the target unconformity horizon which have only been sporadically sampled.

    Geology: The Blackridge conglomerates exhibit two unique geological features that make them a highly attractive development target, primarily that the gold sits in a weathered conglomerate unit and is amenable to free digging via excavator. Secondly, the gold in this geological unit is easily won with a simple wet gravity circuit, which recovers more than 95 per cent of the contained gold. These two attributes flag a potentially cheap mining and processing operation for Impact, with low CapEx and start-up costs.

    Impact’s two new applications at Pewt’s and Hard Hill cover the down-dip extensions to the old mining area and are laterally extensive, with the target area at Hard Hill covering an area of more than 1,200 metres wide, 2,000 metres long and extending to depths of up to 100 metres. The targets represent a significant opportunity, as gold remains insitu, just waiting to be recovered from its conglomerate host.

    Potential: Impact’s ground holdings now cover about 90% (150 sq km) of the southern part of the larger Miclere-Blackridge gold field that produced over 300,000 ounces of gold. A significant potential bulk mining opportunity now exists at Blackridge.

    New techniques and procedures for mining nuggetty conglomerate-hosted gold are currently being pioneered by Novo Resources Corporation in the Pilbara region of Western Australia with good success. Impact has been following Novo’s progress closely and is now formulating plans to emulate this work at Blackridge. On ground work will commence on grant of the new licences expected later in 2020.


    Arkun is the newest project within the IPT collective armoury and is 8 tenements of a major new project covering about 1,900 sq km prospective for nickel-copper-gold-platinum group metals, located in SW Yilgarn Craton in WA 130 km east of Perth. The initial 5 IPT tenements were announced as in application before Anglo American lodged later on the same day for 10,130 sq km of the surrounding area.

    Status: The five tenement applications (E70/5430-34) are now pending grant, a process expected to take about 5 months.

    Geology: Arkun consists of Mafic and Ultramafic rocks within a major deformation zone or mobile belt that trends NW-SE from the Moora-Julimar-Yarawindah area.

    Potential: The recent discoveries of similar mineralisation in magmatic massive sulphides by both Chalice Gold Mines Limited at Julimar near Perth and Legend Mining Limited near Nova-Bollinger in the Fraser Range.


    The Impact of Covid-19

    I believe that since the impact of Covid-19 onto the global economies has now been fully realised, there has been a fundamental shift in sentiment, and in investment away from the very secure major producers in the gold mining space, and towards the highly prospective explorers.

    This can be best understood in terms of a shift in appreciation of where the best yields for investment will be found over the next short term time period that will involve significant volatility.

    The high Market Cap producers are deemed to be unlikely to have a capacity for explosive increase in share price, and are more likely to lose value with volatility in the NASDAQ/S&P 500/Dow Jones Index; and lose more value in a declining, recessionary economy overwhelmed by an uncertain Covid future.

    Exploration Investment

    Explorer companies in the precious metals space, however are deemed to have that capacity for explosive share price to blast their way out of recession share prices, and provide the desired yields to return sufficient benefit for investment.

    This comes on top of the biggest increase in the gold mining sector — from 2016 there has been a willing acceptance to push funds into exploration expenditure. For example, from 2020, the gold stocks have significantly outstripped the ASX, coinciding with a massive increase in gold and silver prices. ASX Gold equities are up 30% in 2020. Liquidity has jumped massively in many jurisdictions across the world. Gold has become mainstream. Investors are rewarding potential rather than success.

    Prior to 2019 it was difficult to raise capital in the gold mining sector. The average 1000m drill hole costs $100K. Micro explorers just didn’t have the cash to burn through frequent intensive drill programs. IPT is fully funded for all currently planned drilling activities, and there is a decade of investment potential to be unpacked along that timeline.


    Non-financial Advice

    None of this Guide is financial advice. There is relevant information provided to support your decision to invest or not. Whichever decision is right for you, this information may be helpful towards that decision.


    PGE’s = PGM’s = same thing

    High grade PGM deposits are rare.

    Deposits that contain all 6 PGM’s are very rare (palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and iridium).

    Deposits that contain all 6 PGM’s, in anywhere near relatively close proportions i.e. high grades of the rare PGM’s (rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and iridium), are exceptionally rare. Broken Hill has them all, and in spectacular grades.

    Palladium and rhodium have yet again reached record prices, highlighting the unique Broken Hill project potential which contains exceptional grades of all six platinum group metals (palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and iridium) + gold, + nickel + copper + silver all in high concentrations.

    Rhodium has increased by $6,050 USD/t oz. or 100.00% since the beginning of 2020, and currently is $12,600 USD/t oz. on 21 Aug. Palladium is at $2,180 USD/t oz.

    Platinum is at $914 USD/t oz. Iridium is at $1,660 USD/t oz.



    IRIDIUM USD/OZ $1,660.00

    RHODIUM USD/OZ $12,600.00

    RUTHENIUM USD/OZ $280.00

    OSMIUM USD/OZ $400.00

    PLATINUM USD/OZ $914.00

    PALLADIUM USD/OZ $2,180.00


    TOTAL USD/OZ $18,034.00

    New PGE results will confirm that the known mineralisation at Red Hill and Platinum Springs is “exceptional even on a global scale”.


    From my perspective, of the many possible trajectories and outcomes for IPT, I see a range of highly positive milestones over the next 5 years, and only one bad outcome if a large asteroid hits the planet.

    You will see from my tagline where I am invested. With the exception of the healthcare sector stocks, there are mostly gold/silver/PGM-related investments — and from all of these — and there are some exceptionally exciting plays with quite a few very good prospects amongst those — none have the length and breadth of the combined firepower of IPT, which has a number of company-makers under containment.

    I’m looking forward to a continual stream of news flow over the next 6 months.

    As always, patience is required IMO.





    The reporting season for the current drilling program in Broken Hill starts this week (the last week of August 2020).

    The next announcements are eagerly sought. There is high expectation, and it is particularly evident that there is a quiet confidence within the IPT community.

    I hope to maintain this guide as a wrap-up overview of IPT, but I may be busy buying real estate at Bellingen or Byron, or perhaps a small Pacific island (a high one with mountains and fresh water).

    See you next time,


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