Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks a ‘cure’, says leader of Hizb...

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    Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks a ‘cure’, says leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia Ismail Alwahwah

    Ismail Alwahwah has labelled the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris as a ‘cure’.

    THE leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia has described the callous killing of Charlie Hebdo staff by Parisian Islamic terrorists as a “cure”.

    Ismail Alwahwah, who also attended rallies with Martin Place gunman Man Haron Monis, wrote a lengthy diatribe on the attack in which he claimed the attacks were a reaction to “daily humiliation” of Muslims and “insults to their book and prophet”.

    The Bankstown man – whose organisation describe themselves as a “political party whose ideology is Islam” – headed his vile article “Commentary on Charlie Hebdo and the physical law of compression” and used scientific analogies to justify the brutal slaughter.

    “The pressure — is responsible for triggering the explosion, the cure has always focused on eliminating pressure or reducing it,” he wrote.

    “As a result, it is assumed necessary in all cases to ensure that the pressure does not exceed the red lines, which will then ultimately lead to irreversible problems.”

    He said the Islamic extremists who stormed the Charlie Hebdo offices and murdered 12 people — including editors, staff, policemen and maintenance workers — were part of an explosion triggered by pressure from the west.

    “Woe, time and again, to all those who point the finger at any pressure when it gets a blast from the Muslims, regardless of size......For the accusation is ready; You justify the explosion, you justify terrorism,” Alwahwah wrote.

    On Sunday Hizb ut-Tahrir released a statement refusing to condemn the terrorist attacks, instead criticising the satirical French magazine, describing western leaders as criminals and warning Australians that insults to their religion would end in violence.

    “It seems some in Australia are arrogantly and irresponsibly heedless of the fact that provoking and insulting a people’s core beliefs is a matter that can only end in acrimony for everyone concerned,” the statement — titled We Will Not Abandon Our Prophet — read.

    “The actions of Charlie Hebdo have been rightly criticised by many sane voices in Europe. Scores of people of faith and no faith, with the slightest concern for societal harmony, have expressed their disapproval of the deliberate insult and provocation of a people’s core beliefs, warning that such actions will generate responses that are undesirable to communal harmony.

    People around the world have shown solidarity with the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

    “Muslims, too, have red lines over which no compromise can be accepted. Ignoring this fact is ignorance at best and blind arrogance at worst.”

    The chilling words appeared on the website of the Australian branch of a global anti-democratic movement based on imposing an Islamic caliphate.

    In the past they have drawn controversy for supporting sharia law and for a planned talk last year titled “Honour killings are morally justified”.

    Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia did not return The Daily Telegraph’s calls.
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