and so. arrogant Shorten and Plibersek and Wong (conflict of...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    and so. arrogant Shorten and Plibersek and Wong (conflict of interest) and their Labor menagerie - clobbering together lots of "we're GUNNA do this, thats, and other things - ain't we all wonderfully innovative - you morons out there!" at their Red Tie knees up - over this weekend - ALL in order to get themselves voted over the line late next year - Shorten absolutely now, so desperately obsessive top nail himself the top job of the land - dictate to all of US - negating opinions of generations of Australian citizizens before us - and generations to come - as to how the MArriage Act will be re-jigged, re-drafted, re-totally designed - to what Shotern, Plibersek and Wong what - DICTATE?

    What's next? Legal wife-swapping - (trade in the old, legal marriage - for the new? the trrendy? - The no kids, two huge income luxury set-ups, of homosexuality? (Old wedded wives, or husbands, out out on th scrap-heap?) Heterosexuality, and fidelity - SO untendy - SO 'old hat'?" Polygamy - better pension harvests from Centrelink with two or three wives, more kids to claim for - or instant divorce - (as in Islam) - male plays ring a rosy three times- chants "I divorce thee" and lawfully wedded heterosexuals discarded for new fad homosexual lovers?

    True, long life, dedicate marriage - is not all a glamsorous or romantic affair. It is a lifetime committment. Not some 50,000 lavish "Cinemascope" wedding day - all pomp and show - it's I devote myself to you - through sickness and health, rich or poor, "until death do us part" stuff. Not some flibberty gibbett sudden precious and
    promiscuous jaunt. NO one should even contemplate marriage, on the basis of - If this doesn't work, then I can get a quick and easy divorce.

    THAT is not what committing to marriage is. It is a solemn and serious vow - to stand by your man - or woman - thorugh thick and thin - richer or pooer - sicness and health.

    This should NOT be a decision ANY politician makes, for US! More especially, someone like Shorten - whom many allege is jst doing this to gain the homosexual vote - get himself "in" as Prime Minister. Such situation is an insult to the integrity of all Australians - homosexual, or not.

    Such a drasic overhaul of the current Marriage Act, which has stood our soceity in good stead for countless generations, HAS to be considered very carefully - not rushed into on some Labor Party whim. To suit someone like Bill Shorten. Penny Wong.

    This Act, (And why should it be changed, at all - what - because certain mornic elements love the Sydney Mardi Gras - IT's glorifivation of sexual promiscuity - male, female, hetero, homesexual?) should be debated thoroughly at great length, and put to the people for their opinion. Then re-visited yet again.) This is not some rash decision - it wil have extremely major impacts on the whole favbric and structure of our ongoing society, and, most importantly, on the lives of the children who will be so drastically affected by the outcomes of any changes to the status quo.

    The legal issues alone, with regard to estates, inheritances, children's rights re. parenthood and previous marriages, are not even begun to be addressed. Just open slather - because some people stamp their feet - and want their own INSTANT sexual and personal gratifications met - NOW! Like some spoilt chioldren, throwing tantrums because they can't get their own way - NOW!

    Doing it to dum up votes - that's just outright sick, cynical, and totally EVIL.

    A bit like cities. Younger generations come along - can't wait to tear down old structures. Why, because they're old - though they are lovely to look at - beautifully designed and built - historic - solid strutures which have stood us in good stead? For hundreds, or thousands, of years? And replace them with what, cheap and glitzy plastic - neon signed? Some ugly architechtural monstrosity, some trendy young thing has designed? What, something lasting, admired, has to be wrecked - it's replacement seen as automatically BETTER - just because it's new? Daring?

    This is MAJOR change. Yet those who oppose it - (or want to take appropriate time to consider the myriad and complex details and inplactions - not the elast of them legal issued or child related) are jeered at - and sneered at. The Bill Shortens of this world - dictating to us - and what - wrecking our beloved traditions with one fell swoop of his (very calculating) pen? To suit his own persobnal political expediency. Become Prime Minister whatever the cost? So - We're all supposed to just "roll over" and fall into line - do HIS bidding, subserviently. Yes, Bill. Three bags full, Bill?

    I say to you, Mr. Shorten - go jump in the lake! This is not up to you - OR your political party. Nor ANY political party. What, PArliament telling us we may and may not live. And creating new laws to force us to do so? We demand a say in this, one of the most monetous changes ever contemplated. It is our birthright. Our total democratic right. To be consulted. To have our opinions heard.

    Such decisions could take decades, to sort out - and conclude.. The overall abolotions of slavery DID take decades, world wide- for example. What IS this obscene rush?

    Have your tawwdry Labor Party knees up. But don't tell us from it what WE all can and cannot do, let alone live, think! You do not have this RIGHT!

    And, in particular, I allege, the last person to lecture and dictate to ANYONE on how to behave, in life, should be Mr. Bill Shorten. Or Ms. Plibersek, either.
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