honor killings dishonor the peace process , page-31

  1. 28 Posts.
    I support my Prime Minister and I am a Patriot! All the way with the Good 'Ol USA! USA! USA! (c'mon ... say it with me)

    My faith in our victory is as resolute as my belief that God is a Christian! We are there only to remove Saddam for the Iraqi people. Those medieval muslim savages are only pissed off because we are civilised, successful, wealthy and ... Christian. They are the ones calling for a holy war - well, they got it, for The Lord marches with the Righteous.

    We fight the good fight. Iraq first, then North Korea HERE WE COME! After that, Zimbabwe. Thank you for your offer Mr. Bush, but we and the British (and maybe some covert South African forces) will be able to handle this arrogant little upstart.

    I want peace, but sometimes you have to fight for peace ... Amen

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