Read the posts and thought I should share some thoughts,To all...

  1. 391 Posts.
    Read the posts and thought I should share some thoughts,

    To all those on this thread that have been troubled, affected or know someone who has by suicide, loss or terminal illness keep strong and hope you find your untangling, when you reach your place it will be well worth it.

    On the subject of honour killings, well can't say much other than disclose have family of Turkish Kurdish origin and can't help but feel this problem is localised to kurdish communities of the iranian and iraq'i and also common in communities surrounding the indian sub-continent, although there have been reports of such cases in eastern Turkey, I can't help but also add a village mentality that is unique to the problem.

    Lets not kid ourselves the mid-east is a place with the longest and bloodiest history of conflict, violence, killings etc. And I can't help but comment that its uniqueness for so much bloodshed has to with exactly that "uniqueness". The main three religions of man were created their, it is the meeting point for three of the worlds races, caucasian, mongoloid and negroid It is different in every sense of the word, so no wander one neighbour is hell bent on bombing the other although it is debatable why killing, or ending one's life is the chosen method for resoution, maybe thats the problem they don't have the forum for 'debate', maybe George Bush is right and onto a good thing, Democracy in the middle east, but history shows he is fighting a loosing battle.

    I suppose thats why Australia is such a great place to live, I was born, raised and educated here and have nothing but praise for people who put in their bit to help another, I also believe in giving back to community, anything from helping the frail(and they do need our help), coaching little league at the local soccer club, helping at the local school I'm sure whatever community you are in someone or somebody could do with some help. I know alot of the above may sound like it would take alot of time, but you don't have to be on it full-time unless you want it to be.

    On the subject of depression, Well I would start by echoing what another poster mentioned and that is the strong 'stigma' and shame attached to depression particularly here in Australia, as an individual recovering from PTSD and related conditions I can only echo that same feeling. Group therapies where people from all walks and professions come together to help each get better ie. police, nurses etc it takes courage and submission only then do you reap the rewards, the internet have some great resources beyondblue is one.

    If you need the help it is there, we are a lucky country, I'm sure victims of these crimes did not have these choices but it still doesn't make it ok.

    On a closing note, I visited my 80 yr old barber on the weekend and asked him how he looked so young and happy, he told me 3 things- eat healthy, don't steal and be good to your neighbour, simple deeds for a common good, cheer n
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