Hooked on classical music, page-163

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    You're trying to age me a little - not quite a 'ton' yet but am past 16. sneaky.png Caterina, yes and multilingual - but as for Hungarian - she was asked near the end but:

    Some sure know how to make one feel rather old - the video - 'from the vaults'??

    But then it can get worse (or darker) and scary - from behind the grave - just imagine how this would go in the wee small hours on a clear moonlit silent night near a cemetery and suddenly three figures pop up all dressed in black: eek.png

    Aye Yai Yai Yai Yai indeed - I believe in Hungarian it's Aj, Jaj, Jaj, Jaj, Jaj (could be wrong).

    At least back then a life time ago, they knew what it was to be a girl and enjoyed being so even if it means scaring the pants off some - times may be changing but some things can never.

    Talk about some things never changing - here is Luis Bonfa, one of the greatest composers, Brazilian - with his own beautiful bossa composition - performing with Caterina - she is ready, he is ready because he wrote it and as for anyone else - ready or not - here goes:

    Classical music snob?? Perhaps a bit of Bossa for cure - music to soothe. smile.png

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