JMS 6.90% 15.5¢ jupiter mines limited.

Hi asf,very true re: M&A commentson the cash point though - the...

  1. 1,969 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    Hi asf,

    very true re: M&A comments

    on the cash point though - the cash was raised for the mine developments. Any M&A by JMS would be done by stock and/or a capital raising along side.

    I would suggest scrip deal most likely if it were to happen. Otherwise they would just need to raise money again for the $s required at Tshpi which this management won't do i guarantee - especially when the last one was well above current prices (a decision proving to be a good one)
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14.5¢ 16.5¢ 14.5¢ $1.917M 12.34M

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7 1693331 15.5¢

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16.0¢ 89735 5
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