GMC 0.00% 0.6¢ gulf manganese corporation limited

Hope the Ghost come out from Grave today, page-64

  1. 128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    Like I said before..... If any SI comes on hotcopper to review the comments, they would run a mile reading what some of you have written.
    I, like many of you, have invested in this Company & I would like to make some money. Or at this stage, break even. I appreciate people's patience is well & truly gone however can we calm down with all the negative comments. It will not change the outcome.
    We should be bombarding GMC with phone calls & questions trying to find out what's going on. I could not get through to the office number. However I'll try to find the post where someone mentioned an alternative number that worked.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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