Horror stabbing in the UK, page-306

  1. 87,130 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Solve those two insults to humanity and most of the other problems disappear - hypothetically speaking of course.''

    I think it's far more than hypothetical -- I guess, I'd go along with that it's a good theory -- because there is plenty of evidence.

    I'm thinking? musing etc ----- that we are just not designed for the way we live now

    IMO we were evolved to live as small groups - hunter gatherer. It 'seems' that it worked out ok for long periods there - peaceful periods. Not in all places, but in some certainly ----------- hypothesis - no, theory, yes - there is evidence of both sides of the coin there.

    Where the shit hit the fan was when we stopped hunting and gathering purely - and began agriculture -------- why we began that - ?????? interesting question (I'm falling stronger and stronger for the theory that it was the discovery of beer that tipped the scales there) (more and more evidence is showing up).

    But, what is crystal is that when we stopped - we invented organised large scale war - which we didn't engage in beforehand.

    I think there's probably multiple reasons why for that - ideas that spring to mind -

    set territory
    ownership - my crop, my stuff, my people
    my place - that means - I keep stuff here ----- lots of tools and weapons

    and who were the ones who wanted to pinch stuff ---- pinch wealth ------ the poor

    or the ones who were poor in a particular resource - be it women, weapons, resources to make tools, good ground for crops,

    and of course - from there - who were the winners? --- biggest, strongest, best educated- better weapons manufacturers, soldiers, trainers - better survivors of seasons

    how would you attract the best if you didn't have them ------- houses, wives, look after the kids, --

    importantly - how to lose them - don't look after them. Watch em get pissed off and then, piss off ------- or betray you actively to one who would promise to give you goodies and supports.

    A far cry from hunter gatherer groups of 10 to 30 or so, looking after each other.

    I'm learning a lot from visiting very old inhabited and used sites in Europe.

    I'm feeling certain that we aren't designed for what we do today.
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