Hospital admissions say it all, page-92

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 529
    i clicked the link and didn’t read the article but watched the video and my god. This health “expert” is actually saying that because of ONE CASE SHE HAS PERSONALLY SEEN of a man in his 30’s needing a ventilator and icu treatment, that I should be vaccinated because that could be me? From ONE case she’s really saying it could be any one of the thousands that have now been tested positive in that age group?

    The lack of proportionality during this whole covid narrative is just damn shameful.

    I understand people would rather see people not dying but tell me the statistics and I will use that information as I see fit. The beauty about free will is that it really doesn’t matter whether I am right or wrong, it’s simply just enjoying the right to have a choice over my own actions. If I picked the wrong choice then that’s fully on me and yes I would expect to have access to every bit of healthcare that any other person is entitled to. After all I pay my taxes, have dumb private health insurance which has scammed me from thousands of dollars in premiums to prop up their Ponzi scheme, and live a relatively low risk life.

    I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the amount of people that have died or been severely impacted by stupid lockdowns are multiples of the number of people that have been saved by the vaccine.

    it’s estimated that nearly 100m additional people have been pushed into poverty and 130m put into the brink of starvation thanks to the lack of proportionality in authoritative government responses.

    the sad part is that once people get vaccinated, the journey has only just begun. How many boosters will we need before covid is normalised as something we have to live with?

    At least covid has been a good thing for humanity. It put China in check, put the spotlight on Australia’s decaying hospital system, particularly here in WA where we have no cases yet our hospitals are in shambles. Mark McGowan presided over a healthcare system that would allow a child to die waiting for care in the emergency department. And now this hubris filled and power hungry man has the audacity to go against the national plan and keep the borders locked up for the exception of the cream of society, all to keep us “safe”. The worst part is he thinks this is all his doing and not the fact that WA has a massive geographical advantage. My money is on flightcentre winning a challenge against the state to open up WA.

    One last good thing to come out of covid is really putting in the spotlight the bubbles that are the renewable energy and EV revolutions and Bitcoin. If China is telling us anything right now is that we don’t have the energy capacity to fuel this post pandemic recovery boom.

    Anyways I respect everyone’s opinions on whether to get the vaccine or not. All I demand is respect for my own and also some common sense and proportionality.

    Lastly, I will get the vaccine if the virus gets to a dangerous level, meaning the death rate is far more than a pitiful .03% for my age group.
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