Hmmm... one of the major ploys of subversive groups of all kinds...

  1. 5,822 Posts.
    Hmmm... one of the major ploys of subversive groups of all kinds is to 'hijack the agenda' ... turn everyone's heads away from the predominant theme(s).

    As much as I hate to say ... western democracies will need conservative governments in place to exert sufficient 'positive discrimination' or lose national identity and culture.

    This is occuring in other parts as we speak.

    The looney left bleeding hearters will appease and condone all and sundry in the name of human rights ... all the while demanding the government protect their own comfort zones of course.

    In Oz a big part of our culture rests on "if you don't like is mate ... POQ"

    I would not risk the delivery of this important message to Simon or Bob or even Peter for that matter ...

    Now that Tony Abbott has finished cleaning up the Building Industry, he could be the man. Perhaps the first thing is to get illegals onto 'work for the dole' ...

    Cheers ...

    This is only my view ... read the red stuff.

    This is only my view ... read the red stuff.
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