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Carbonated phosphate mining in Togo: Minister Dammipi Noupokou...

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    Carbonated phosphate mining in Togo: Minister Dammipi Noupokou decide on the process of selecting a strategic investor

    The exploitation of mineral resources in general and especially phosphate spilled ink and saliva in the national opinion. Evidenced by the criticism of the press and political opposition, but especially the movement of fluids of populations living in the area to exploit this mineral resource. But in recent years, it seems that the rulers wanted to bring a new dynamic and more transparency in the management of this windfall. Thus, a tender was launched for the operation of the second type of phosphate available to our country. For more information, our editorial approached the member in charge of the Government, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Mr. Dammipi Noupokou.

    Hello sir! According to the magazine AMI, Minning Africa Intelligence, the SNPT have launched a tender for the exploitation of phosphate carbonate in July. Can you confirm this information? If so, why have finally made ​​the option of a tender while after the same newspaper, the Government was in advanced talks with the company TOGO-Phosphate SA that would have made ​​interesting proposals?
    Hello Mr. journalist. I wish at the outset to express my gratitude for taking on you to approach for clarification on certain matters within my department.

    Turning to your question, I must tell you that it's true that in accordance with the recovery strategy of the phosphate sector adopted by the Government in 2010, the Togolese government has launched a tender for the allocation of license to operate the phosphate carbonate. But contrary to what is being said, I must clarify that the tender process was initiated earlier, as early as January 2011 with the drafting of the Tender Dossier. Then the bidding was launched between late April and early May

    But Sir we to understand that while you talk on one side with large international groups, you prepare the other side a Tender Dossier? Is not this doublespeak?
    Things do not come quite as you describe. Several companies have approached us since the Government had decided to reform the sector. So we've had unsolicited offers of companies from Europe, America, Africa, Australia, India, etc.. who have made ​​various offers of assistance to support reform of the phosphate sector in Togo. Some came to us their ideas while others have just sent the documents. Others have invited to visit their site operating history to enable our technical services and in some cases to ourselves, to assess their technical capabilities.

    However, the new momentum for reform blown through the President of the Republic in this area did not allow us to accept offers without the interested parties (companies) do not know what is the vision of sector development that the Togolese Government wanted to place. Indeed, the Government intends to express himself through intervention and exploitation of this mineral resource. This option was clearly expressed to all mining companies that presented themselves. Thus, it can not matter and was never intended for us to take steps inconsistent. Receive an audience of investors who wanted to meet us is not to say that negotiating anything. The companies had their own ideas, we had ours.

    Moreover, it is with the assistance of several expert consultants that we could recreate a vision document and the specifications for the exploitation of phosphate carbonate.

    Excuse me Sir, but do you want to tell us that there is never any discussions or negotiations between the Government or department and the company TOGO SA-Phosphate as the magazine wrote AMI?
    Of all the mining companies which have arisen, there was the society of which you speak. It was received as well as all other companies. And the same exchange took place, the same information on the process they were given.

    From this point of view, you understand my surprise when I learned that my department or the Government has committed "advanced negotiations" with one of the contenders before retracting. Never mind, we remain focused on our approach and hope to quickly reach our goals.

    What about the allegations that you and some of your colleagues have gone to negotiate with the group in Australia Sultan?
    I have sufficiently explained the process. We had to visit the company without a second thought. You can see that we have attached no importance to these speculations.

    Curiously, no journalist approached our department for more information before publication. Besides, I think there was a right of reply of the company that Sultan had silenced everyone.

    Once again, Mr. journalist, there is never any negotiations or discussions between a particular group pretenders to the operating license of phosphate and the Togolese government. The rest is pure speculation.

    You had mentioned earlier Minister, in March 2010, the Government adopted by the Cabinet the strategy to revive the phosphate sector. Can you tell us where it is in the implementation of this strategy?
    The implementation of this strategy is gradually and surely. In short, we've completed more than 80% implementation of the actions of the first phase of this strategy with the rehabilitation of certain means of production and reception of new equipment ordered. Other commands are being delivered. The order remains the largest acquisition of two-wheel excavators which will be implemented by the end of the first half of 2012. The manufacture of these devices has taken almost two years. In addition, certain shares of the second and third phase are also already underway. Including the process of recruiting investors for the exploitation of phosphate and carbonate build phosphoric acid plant or fertilizer.

    Internally, the Directorate General of SNPT triggered several months ago the modernization process of governance. Of course, note some problems there. But obviously, given the actions we can expect an average production of 1.5 million tonnes by 2 years.

    But Mr. Minister, that the strategy was to reach 1.5 million tons of merchant in 2012. What explains the delay that you seem to meet?
    I see that you follow this matter closely. Indeed it is expected at the end of the strategy that we achieve an annual production of 1.5 million merchant in 2012, but implementation has had some difficulties.

    In terms of financing: Initially it was thought to support that strategy from external financial support. The funding that was found was not concessional and was too expensive. In the end, we decided to do it with our own resources, that is to say, those generated by the sale of phosphate by the SNPT. This was a major challenge.

    On the technical side: the mine headquarters north came to an end soon. Mine Kpogam? is becoming deeper. We must remove more than 40 m of land to achieve sterile phosphate. I recall that several years in the screen had to be removed 5 to 7 meters of barren land just to reach the phosphate.

    In order to produce 1.5 million tons or more, we are obliged to open a new mine. Dagbati with that of all the technical constraints that this induces. The work of opening the mine are very advanced. With the arrival of new wheeled excavators and wheel loaders rehabilitation of existing, we are confident that the delay to reach the original target will only be short-lived.

    This is unlikely Does not penalize us, as the price of phosphate continues to grow in the international market?
    The answer is both yes and no. Yes because as soon as the adoption of the strategy in 2010, the price of phosphate in the international market was up, but after a few months, the price of phosphate fell again. Moreover, contrary to what some may believe, Togo is trying to get out of the game to enjoy as much as possible of the improvement. This allows us to invest several billion CFA francs of capital into the sector's recovery strategy, even if it means some cash-flow.

    We can not make this interview not to mention the living conditions of populations of phosphate mining areas. Mr. Minister, how to explain that the Togolese living in the vicinity of the operating sites of the lung of the domestic economy, are the wretched of the earth from our ancestors?
    Before answering this question, let me take your columns to honor, on behalf of the Government and on my own behalf to all the people living in areas of mineral resource exploitation in our country. I would again like to assure them of the determination of the head of state to keep its promises made ​​during the election campaign in 2010. Which promises came to corroborate the new dynamics of exploitation of mineral resources of our country in general and phosphates in particular, with the creation of community infrastructure development for the benefit of these populations. A popular adage says, "better late than never." Since 2008, we initiated work in the communities in mining areas of Vogan, Hahoto?, Akoumap?, Anfoin, Kp?m? and others for several million FCFA.

    Furthermore, in order to include contributions from mining companies in a standard, a bill to mining companies contribution to the development of mining areas has been reviewed and approved by MPs last April.

    Meanwhile, since 2009, the Government has taken steps to Togo's accession to the EITI, a mechanism that not only promotes good governance in the extractive industries, but also the improvement of living conditions of populations these areas a priority.

    Finally, in response to the concerns of people in mining areas and Zio Vo, we have initiated since the beginning of this year a process for the establishment of a framework for discussions between the SNPT one hand and the people represented by associations and local NGOs, CVD (Village Development Committee), heads of townships and villages and associations of citizens of the mining area on the other. This dialogue framework will experience problems with the determination of rent and / or acquisitions of land, problems related to displacement, the handover of land, sub-contracting work to the people that do not require special skills, etc.. At a time when I speak, I can assure you that the regulations are awaiting signature for the establishment of mechanism to regulate the conditions of interventions SNPT and other mining companies operating in the area for improvement of living conditions of populations; investments are ongoing, a tender was recently launched National for electrification and grid extension in the area, particularly in communities Dagbati, NYIT , Akoumap?, Hahoto? Agbodjrafo and on behalf of this year.

    In short, actions are underway and will continue the effort to change that. I want to emphasize that it is demagogic to say or believe that we can reverse the trend with a stick magic. We need time. And I hope that everyone will just play, sincerely and seriously to the score that this time is relatively short.

    Precisely speaking texts, the law on corporate contributions to the development of mining areas was adopted in April by members. What about implementing legislation? When will implementation?
    Upon adoption of this text by the MPs in April, we were urged to ensure that the decree implementing this law is quickly taken by the Government. My faith in the aftermath of this session of the National Assembly, my technical services have been instructed to do so. A draft decree has been filed on my table. In any event, we hope that everything will be completed by the end of the year for implementing the new law as soon as next year. Until the texts are signed, I must say that awareness sessions were held throughout the country by the Directorate of Mining Control to inform both the mining companies that people in mining areas on the terms of the new law and the contours of the new dynamic the Government intends to inject this sector.

    Earlier this year, it is the people living near the site of iron mining in the prefecture of Bassar who had to shout their ras-le-bol following an accident which killed one person among the workers of the company Mr. Minning . At the time, you-are moved to the site and have promised to do everything possible to rectify the situation. Where are we today?
    Let me salute the memory of fellow died in this unfortunate accident. Following this disaster, a series of actions were initiated to address the most pressing. But more generally, companies with the new provisions, I believe that everything will be fine soon.

    Sir, one of the hot topics in recent weeks, the project ContourGlobal. He said that this project is a money pit for Togo. How do you respond to criticism?
    You told me we will talk only of the mines, an industry that we cover but is often poorly understood by our compatriots. I would rather they spend the interview on the subject for further inform our compatriots on the Government's actions in this area.

    I am not your question, but if you do not, we will give us further opportunities to discuss this project in order to edify each other in this so-called money pit.

    However, remember that there are truths and against those who have followed the debate of 26 June on LCF were able to realize this. But our doors are wide open to whoever wants to know more.

    So, in conclusion, Mr. Minister, and more generally, how is our mining sector today?
    You can imagine, with new dynamism by the Head of State government action, the sector is in full swing and we hope to ensure that reforms short accelerating, so that our mineral resources involved effectively in the fight against poverty in our country.

    In this sense, the success of the EITI is a major concern for us. With civic engagement and the different components of the Republican Steering Committee and Technical Secretariat, I remain convinced that everyone will play, any liability, the score by putting forward the national interest.

    Thank you Sir
    It is rather I who thank you.

    Interview by TCHABORE
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