house of cards, page-6

  1. 34,916 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 480
    I would like to see the breakdown of recent employment figures. My guess is that there are heaps of government jobs being created to make the "regime stable".

    You would clearly laugh hard if this was a TV episode of Yes Prime Minsiter, but how can you laugh when it our country, our lifestyle being put at risk.

    Too right there are a horde of government jobs being created. Here's a quote from the following article:

    THE successor to the government's disastrous Green Loans scheme has been scrapped just days before it was due to begin, putting thousands of jobs at risk.


    The government has also been forced to commit $30 million in compensation for about 10,000 people who were trained and accredited to work as household energy auditors.

    So if we get this straight, the Labor government continued to trick organisations and its workers into thinking the scheme would be continuing until DAYS before it was due to begin.

    Well Merry Christmas 10,000 workers and upteen business owners. Labor's gift to you in the form of a $3000 severence pay. Spend up, good for stimulus.
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