I like his work but too old now to be a fan of anyone. I have...

  1. 10,261 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27934
    I like his work but too old now to be a fan of anyone.

    I have seen so much in my life that I now understand that nothing is ever truly black or white. Grey is always the prevailing colour and creating hero’s out of political leaders as our system now does before they are elected is sure to disappoint.

    If you look back in political history true hero’s are those that had the courage to rise to the occasion.

    In times of War we have had political leaders rise to the occasion. In more recent times however the only political leader who rose to the occasion and showed true courage was John Howard in the wake of Port Arthur. He was otherwise a funny little character without charisma. Hardly hero material and certainly not someone a focus group would chose today to lead a political party.

    As I see it we need a political leader to rise to the occasion and bring parliament and the people together with a vision for addressing the supply of public housing. The solution cannot be party political because two many election and economic cycles will occur before any proper solution can play out.

    I am afraid no one is presenting as capable of doing that at present.

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