The root of this problem is still the ignorance of Australians...

  1. 230 Posts.
    The root of this problem is still the ignorance of Australians in general and the fact they will not admit to it inspite of overwhelming evidence.

    Howard was compromised by Lee Kuan Yew a long time ago when he went anti Asian. Don't have to believe me on that score.

    At each step Howard promised more and more gave out more than Pauline Hanson wanted to print at the mint. Australians took it like manna from heaven because most prefered the good times to saving, an education and being thrifty.

    Now everyone has a house but no one can pay for it. Everyone has the latest Daewoo and Toyota but can't pay for it either. So the Japanese offer cheap finance to our banks who on lend it to our car buyers at a slight mark up. Remember for the past few years interest rates in Japan were below 1 per cent. Yes minus 1%. So when the NAb offers you car finance at 10% it is not cheap. Not even relatively cheap. The money returns to Japan anyway and thats expensive economically.

    But the banks looked good, we looked even better and the Chinese made more TV's DVD's, clothing and furniture and household effects than we could look at. All with our iron ore, our alluminium and our coal etc. So far so good.

    In order to keep us sleeping so that we do not awake from our dream, we have sports and mind numbing TV and radio. The utilities provide us with relatively cheap services and we are allowed to postpone paying for it. The costs remain low because we cannot work to keep these things in the ground or to take them out of the ground. The Chinese again hoodwonked us into believeing they caved ionto us on the iron ore increase (we did not factor the increase in production costs and the increase in fuel. They did) so the increase is far less than that in real terms.

    In comes Howards trade off. Whilst we are opiated like his predecessors did to the Chinaman, he brings in the Chinaman, the Indian, the Irish, the Korean, Thai, Indonesiand and Phillipino with a fake degree and equally fake American accent to take our jobs. He'll protect them as well.

    To keep them churning away at the work we should be doing, he pays them in Aussie dollars at half the rate with a long term pension and payout in advance worth much more than Aussie wages. Citizenship or residence.

    Bye Bye jobs. Lets worry about terrorists and Ben Laden shall we. After all the Israeli's are the only ones who have suffered and we should all pay with our lives for our guilt of WW11 and go fight for their misdeeds.

    Lets not look now and 'Don't mention the War'. There are many universities here who also give away degrees to paying Chinese and Koreans and others and the right to citizenship after that. Soccer has just put everything into perspective. There is no more White Australia . Not anymore!!!!!
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