Fake News ... if the poll was all MAGA's Trump would have...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 252
    Fake News ... if the poll was all MAGA's Trump would have gotten 98%

    some conspiracy theory ... a few sandwiches short of a Picnic ...Deplorable Trump supporters to stoopid to know better than to follow Trump are smart enuf to vote over 10,000 x for Commie Bernie

    when all along Everyone knows Trump would rather face Sleepy Joe in the finale

    Why you ask well that's a good Q

    because Bernie's Bro's are welded on much more than Biden's MSM / Establishments voters

    so they either don't come out in full or cross over in enuf numbers to Trump like they did in 16

    Biden is toast and all the real investigations into Biden Ukraine Biden China and Biden for 30 yrs ++ are now underway

    add in the Turmoil in the markets and no one in their Right mind wants Biden at the wheel

    Biden wants
    open borders
    free health cover for illegals
    take away guns ( Beto's his man for that )
    amnesty for illegals upto 11-20m of them
    and that's on top of his obvious issues with string 2 sentences together
    knowing who his wife is
    wanting Trump to win
    and demanding a sit down debate V Commie Bernie

    Democrats played right into Trumps hand

    Orange man bad ... everything on earth is his fault

    that's the cost of Transforming the game back to Western Superiority

    Trump outlined long ago that he'll take all the slings and arrows

    if ever MSM stops attacking him or slows down their attacks

    what does Trump do immediately

    calls them Fake News ... trolls them
    Like a red flag to a crazed bull

    and MSM go full Bunta in for Trump

    meanwhile all sorts of magic is taking place and the bonus for me is I get to buy some of the best bargain top quality stock that in 2-3-5 -10-20 yrs will be still in my portfolio

    not bad

    now back to my handsome waiter
    another 2 bottles of pink champagne for the ladies if you please (
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