How absolutely true

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Terry McCrann - Billed by his newspaper as "Australia's Leading Business Commentator" - Herald Sun - Melbourne. 27/8/2014 - opined in an excellent article headlined "Time to Move On" -to the effect that, in his opinion, (quote) - "It's time to bring the not very funny Clive and Bill clown act to a end." ....

    McCrann's opinion is that the Government must put its Budget proposals to the Senate on a take it or leave it deadline basis now - deadline (say) next Thursday. If they don't go through - they're off the table. Get on with governing, urges McCrann. The headline by-line states - "The Budget needs to be fixed. But it needs fixing in a long-term sense, and in the context of pro-active reform across the board.."

    Next Thursday McCrann proposes, all measures - no exceptions - are either passed, or abandoned.

    He's critical of Mathias Cormann (claiming political inexperience as a reason perhaps) for stating there is no hurry - and they have until next July.) As McCrann syas, that keeps Palmer in the headlines - whilst (MCCrann says) also letting Opposition leader Bill Shorten off the hook on his (McCrann says) "utterly shameless irresponsibility".

    He also blames the timing of the Tony Shepherd (Tony who?) audit commission, which, he says, was supposed to validate the bufget cuts and give them structure.

    I'd suggest anyone interested try hard to catch up with the article in full - Business 29 page - Herald Sun, Wednesday, August 27th, 2014. Highly commend it - an oasis of common sense in the myriad of the Left Wing Army of Fairfax and ABC.

    Somebody talking some SENSE - and some TRUTHS, for a change. (NB Bill Shorten - and Christine Milne, Clive Palmer, and PUPpets. We're fed up of your sick games - and lies. Your jostling for a power none of you have earned, let alone deserved.)

    Time to Govern Mr. Abbott. Time to put a pin in any over-sized balloons hanging around - cluttering up the place - and see them off - whooshing into the ether - forever! It's baby balloons - whoosh - they're gone, too!
    Apols for lack of editing, and careless grammar.. Still very ill, Anyone else had this current flu for three weeks and can't get rid of it - and yes, we HAD the preventitive shots. Heaven knows what this bug IS - but it's a DOOZY! Radiologists's wife has had it for 7 weeks, he said! Bed rest the essential "cure", we're told - but what's that? Good wishes for a quick recovery to all who might have this awful bug! Good weekend all - may your footy team win - ours has lost the plot. But hope we beat Essendon. Go Blues!

    Kill off this hate - and spite - of Labor, Greens, Palmer, and get on with Governance.
    Last edited by iron mike: 29/08/14
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