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    Leaked CDC document exposes Biden administration’s COVID-19 cover-up

    On Thursday, the Washington Post published a leaked internal memorandum from researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warning of mass community spread of COVID-19 among vaccinated people and calling on the Biden administration to stop discouraging mask wearing and social distancing.

    The secret report contradicts nearly every public statement by the White House over the course of the past two months.
    Bringing together a broad range of public research—including some that was previously unpublished—the report warns that there are 35,000 symptomatic COVID-19 infections every week among vaccinated people.

    The report states that vaccinated people who are infected with COVID-19 are just as infectious as those who are unvaccinated. It acknowledges that the so-called Delta variant of COVID-19 is more infectious than the common cold and, in fact, one of the most transmissible diseases known to man.

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