AN ASYLUM seeker who botched his DIY penis enlargement by...

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    AN ASYLUM seeker who botched his DIY penis enlargement by injecting himself with palm oil has been transferred to Australia under Labor’s controversial medevac laws so he can have a genital reconstruction.
    In a sensational example of how broadly Labor’s Medevac laws are being applied by doctors, it can be revealed the Iranian man will get the specialised, expensive surgery at a private hospital in southeast Queensland, with Australian taxpayers picking up the tab.
    A female doctor in Australia ordered the Iranian national, who was in Port Moresby, receive the surgery after he experienced swelling, discomfort and limited function.
    The proponents of the Medevac laws, pushed through the past Parliament by Labor and a number of independent crossbenchers, including Kerryn Phelps, who lost her seat of Wentworth in the May election, argued the legislation was needed for “seriously ill people”. Labor home affairs spokeswoman Kristina Keneally said the Medevac laws are working and do not need to change. However, the Morrison Government is determined to repeal the laws and will urge the Senate to do so in the last two sitting weeks of the year.
    The man, in his mid-30s, racked up almost 50 incidents while in PNG, and was arrested for throwing boiling water on a security guard.
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