How Can Fraser Anning Be Expelled From The Senate?, page-221

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    oh, no - someone is publishing facts --- how dare they

    “White supremacists imagine the Middle Ages as a time when Europe was all white, separated from its neighbors and in constant conflict with those that it deemed to be outsiders,” Sturtevant said. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”
    In medieval Sicily, Christians, Muslims and Jews were “living and working together side by side,” Sturtevant said. In 7th-century England, the well-respected archbishop of Canterbury was from Turkey, and his favorite abbot was from North Africa. There were Ethiopian embassies across southern Europe, including Rome. Pilgrimage books listed travelers as hailing from “India” — though this was probably just a fill-in for anywhere in the Middle East.
    Medieval European artists also accurately depicted black people (read: not like blackface caricatures), indicating it wasn’t uncommon to see them. (Check out the Twitter account @medievalPOC for numerous examples.)"
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