How Can Fraser Anning Be Expelled From The Senate?, page-286

  1. 47,265 Posts.
    This is my take on it. Anning can say whatever as he likes he issued an official press release as a senator. Anyone trying to sue him for that won't get too far. Our democracy is too important to allow individual MPs to be silenced or subdued no matter how offensive they may be.

    Freedom of speech by our parliamentarians is sacrosanct imo. It's why we have rules of privilege for parliamentary proceedings and reporting and commenting on those proceedings.

    Start chipping away at that and we are heading into very dangerous territory.

    As for the physical assault I would be sure that any court would find he acted entirely reasonably given the situation. The clown that assaulted him should definitely be charged, we must crack down hard on this sort of behaviour otherwise again, we're heading into very dangerous territory where people will start thinking it's ok to physically assault people we don't agree with.

    It's just not on.
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