How Can Fraser Anning Be Expelled From The Senate?, page-341

  1. 84,006 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ok - let me deal with this bit first

    "Finally, I'd like to call you out on the West blowing apart the ME and yet the Muslim's want to come to the countries that are killing them? Doesn't make sense. "

    It only doesn't make sense if you believe it when people say the word 'Muslim' and think that it's one big homogeneous group - it is not. Read about different groups and you begin to get an understanding that it's very diverse. (If you can't get a grip on that concept or the scale of it - think about Asians - think about how some people think of them as all the same --- then, if you have been to Asian nations or know someone who has - notice that they are all like chalk and cheese - totally different) - that gives you an idea of the concept. When you finally get the idea - think then not of Asia but, think where Muslims live and just how different it is -- from the ME - desert, home of religions, sand to Central Asia - ex Soviet, to Malaysia to Indonesia - the variety is endless.
    In many countries there are also groups that we call Islamic terror groups - most Muslims in those countries hate them as much as we do. Take some time to work through that and it begins to make a lot more sense. Then begin to look at the people who are travelling looking for refuge - they are mostly escaping war - read about it -- search for the reasons for refugees - there's loads of research out there.

    How do I see the future of Australia in one generation - thinking of racial mixes or not -- in one generation - I see little change - the mix will depend on migration patterns - one generation will not change much.

    In the next 30 years - Australia and the entire world have far far far bigger social and cultural changes to contend with - believe me - whether we go a little more coffee coloured or form into anything resembling racial islands will be totally irrelevant.

    If time and technology would stay still - I would have a crack at being a crystal ball for the next 50 or 100 years - but, still - you have the migration patterns that are unpredictable - and over the entire lot of that are the changes which, as I have said - make the exercise of navel gazing a total waste of time.

    hope that helps
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