How Can Fraser Anning Be Expelled From The Senate?, page-352

  1. 425 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    it is a great shame in this country that any person with any opinion can be called a racist and everyone gets on the bandwagon to secure themselves as being so self righteous .if i complain that we have people young and old with children homeless on the streets of Melbourne while houses and handouts are freely given to others that we dare to mention their culture, religion or race ; i am called a racist and could lose my job or standing in the community. well sod it i think that most of you that have these thoughts just cannot think for yourselves and should travel the world and take a good look at what is happening in Australia. We pander to small groups to shut them up . We give to others before fixing our own situations . We sell our assets to overseas so that we can be given a bonus handout and the people that got the handouts laughed about it. The shooting in New Zealand was in my opinion carried out by someone with a mindset of fear of what was happening to our countries. Lots of people want to speak out their mind but they are shouted down and told that they are racists without even listening to them. shooting their mouths off to condemn any one they does not think the same as them. Just remember it was a white only Australia until roughly 1968. I am sure that there will be more attacks by people that constantly get shouted down ,i just hope that many of you before you think or call any one a racist in the future will hear what they are trying to say and then try and make your own informed decision
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