Read the shooter's manifesto, not the news. This stuff is more...

  1. 144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 33
    Read the shooter's manifesto, not the news. This stuff is more nuanced that you may be led to believe. There are big political and media interests looking to cash in on this crisis. All of it predicted, expected, and intended by the shooter beforehand. I would be laughing if it wasn't so sick. You have to understand, the guy was a shitposter on 8chan, and most of this was bait. He was looking to start a fight and it certainly looks like cooler heads may not prevail. Once the first shot gets fired in a standoff, it's incredibly difficult to de-escalate.

    Foolish as he is, Anning is not saying what you think he's saying. You're making an attribution error, which is exactly what the shooter wanted. This is hotcopper, we know more than most that people are irrational information processors. I'm a person. You're a person.

    There are really only two paths I see unfolding. Either the left and the right (though mostly the left as they control old media) continue spewing lies about each other and escalating towards outright violence and segregation, thereby accomplishing the shooter's political goals, or they can have the moral fortitude to do the exact opposite by making common ground and returning to good faith civil discourse.

    Just remember, when words are no longer possible, the only option left becomes violence. For a long time, people like him have been silenced and shunned instead of openly debated, concentrating into the dark corners of the internet where they end up jacking each other off. I'm genuinely surprised it took as long as it did for something like this to happen - alt right extremists have been remarkably non-violent until now. This pressure has been brewing for a while and in some sense the blood is on all of our hands.
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