how could anyone be anti-american?, page-3

  1. 2 Posts.
    You're right Domain. People do get stuck it the moment and don't think or look or research (or frankly are interested i've found) in history or asking the real questions.

    An interesting article. Thanks for that.
    If i can just quickly quote from the article you posted:

    "The thing is that America has a profound sense of mission. America has a need to offer something that transcends a life of comfort, that goes beyond material success. Therefore, because of their ideals, the Americans accepted what the neoconservatives proposed. They didn't want to fight a war over interests, but over values. They wanted a war driven by a moral vision. They wanted to hitch their wagon to something bigger than themselves."

    If America does act based on a 'moral vision' then I ask; why did they only sent 200 marines to Liberia where hundreds of people have been killed recently and many, many more are likely to die in the coming months due to lack of essential medicine/food and clean water, whereas its perfectly justifiable to send 150-200K troops to Iraq - a nation that does not after all have any WMD, let alone pose a threat to the UK and US?

    Or why did it take 3 years before the world did anything to stop the massacre of woman and children in Bosnia?

    Or why is it so damn difficult to end the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, i don't quite understand? Israel are occupiers in Palestinian land. This is a fact, so where are the nations with a 'moral vision' trying REALLY to do something about it?

    As you said, things aren't always what they seem...
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