If you converted $10k USD on D1, and purchased $3k worth of...

  1. 59 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    If you converted $10k USD on D1, and purchased $3k worth of shares on D7, another $4k on D30 and another $300 on D31.....
    sold $7.6k on D108, $700 on D276...
    when shares sold and revert back to AUD
    then will have to calculate how much should be considered as foreign income, how much as gain or loss, adding complexity on top of other gain loss calculation...

    also on Mytax, under foreign income, looks like they treat everything as gain only; so have to put these foreign shares under 'Austtralian share gain/loss' section... so weird...

    sorry I just can't helping but thinking and realizing how complex this foreign shares tax could be and whether it's worth to keep trading... or maybe I should change my trading pattern and make every trade in full only and one share at a time only...
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